patch-2.1.102 linux/net/sched/estimator.c
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- Lines: 54
- Date:
Thu May 14 10:26:23 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Sat May 2 14:19:55 1998
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.101/linux/net/sched/estimator.c linux/net/sched/estimator.c
@@ -31,21 +31,21 @@
#include <net/pkt_sched.h>
- This text is NOT intended to be used for statistics collection,
- its purpose is to provide base for statistical multiplexing
+ This code is NOT intended to be used for statistics collection,
+ its purpose is to provide a base for statistical multiplexing
for controlled load service.
- If you need only statistics, run user level daemon, which will
- periodically read byte counters.
+ If you need only statistics, run a user level daemon which
+ periodically reads byte counters.
- Unfortunately, rate estimation is not very easy task.
- F.e. I did not find a simple way to estimate current peak rate
+ Unfortunately, rate estimation is not a very easy task.
+ F.e. I did not find a simple way to estimate the current peak rate
and even failed to formulate the problem 8)8)
- So that I preferred not to built estimator in scheduler,
+ So I preferred not to built an estimator into the scheduler,
but run this task separately.
Ideally, it should be kernel thread(s), but for now it runs
- from timers, which puts apparent top bounds on number of rated
- flows, but has minimal overhead on small, but enough
+ from timers, which puts apparent top bounds on the number of rated
+ flows, has minimal overhead on small, but is enough
to handle controlled load service, sets of aggregates.
We measure rate over A=(1<<interval) seconds and evaluate EWMA:
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@
where W is chosen as negative power of 2: W = 2^(-ewma_log)
- Resulting time constant is:
+ The resulting time constant is:
T = A/(-ln(1-W))
- * Stored value for avbps is scaled by 2^5, so that maximal
+ * The stored value for avbps is scaled by 2^5, so that maximal
rate is ~1Gbit, avpps is scaled by 2^10.
- * Minimal interval is HZ/4=250msec (it is the least integer divisor
- both for HZ=100 and HZ=1024 8)), maximal interval
+ * Minimal interval is HZ/4=250msec (it is the greatest common divisor
+ for HZ=100 and HZ=1024 8)), maximal interval
is (HZ/4)*2^EST_MAX_INTERVAL = 8sec. Shorter intervals
are too expensive, longer ones can be implemented
at user level painlessly.
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,