patch-2.1.109 linux/drivers/video/cgsixfb.c
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- Lines: 549
- Date:
Fri Jul 10 15:18:31 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.108/linux/drivers/video/cgsixfb.c linux/drivers/video/cgsixfb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+/* $Id: cgsixfb.c,v 1.1 1998/07/06 15:51:09 jj Exp $
+ * cgsixfb.c: CGsix (GX,GXplus) frame buffer driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996,1998 Jakub Jelinek (
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Miguel de Icaza (
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Eddie C. Dost (
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/fb.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/selection.h>
+#include "sbusfb.h"
+#include <asm/io.h>
+/* Offset of interesting structures in the OBIO space */
+ * Brooktree is the video dac and is funny to program on the cg6.
+ * (it's even funnier on the cg3)
+ * The FBC could be the frame buffer control
+ * The FHC could is the frame buffer hardware control.
+ */
+#define CG6_ROM_OFFSET 0x0
+#define CG6_BROOKTREE_OFFSET 0x200000
+#define CG6_DHC_OFFSET 0x240000
+#define CG6_ALT_OFFSET 0x280000
+#define CG6_FHC_OFFSET 0x300000
+#define CG6_THC_OFFSET 0x301000
+#define CG6_FBC_OFFSET 0x700000
+#define CG6_TEC_OFFSET 0x701000
+#define CG6_RAM_OFFSET 0x800000
+/* FHC definitions */
+#define CG6_FHC_FBID_SHIFT 24
+#define CG6_FHC_FBID_MASK 255
+#define CG6_FHC_REV_SHIFT 20
+#define CG6_FHC_REV_MASK 15
+#define CG6_FHC_FROP_DISABLE (1 << 19)
+#define CG6_FHC_ROW_DISABLE (1 << 18)
+#define CG6_FHC_SRC_DISABLE (1 << 17)
+#define CG6_FHC_DST_DISABLE (1 << 16)
+#define CG6_FHC_RESET (1 << 15)
+#define CG6_FHC_LITTLE_ENDIAN (1 << 13)
+#define CG6_FHC_RES_MASK (3 << 11)
+#define CG6_FHC_1024 (0 << 11)
+#define CG6_FHC_1152 (1 << 11)
+#define CG6_FHC_1280 (2 << 11)
+#define CG6_FHC_1600 (3 << 11)
+#define CG6_FHC_CPU_MASK (3 << 9)
+#define CG6_FHC_CPU_SPARC (0 << 9)
+#define CG6_FHC_CPU_68020 (1 << 9)
+#define CG6_FHC_CPU_386 (2 << 9)
+#define CG6_FHC_TEST (1 << 8)
+#define CG6_FHC_TEST_X_SHIFT 4
+#define CG6_FHC_TEST_X_MASK 15
+#define CG6_FHC_TEST_Y_SHIFT 0
+#define CG6_FHC_TEST_Y_MASK 15
+/* FBC mode definitions */
+#define CG6_FBC_BLIT_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_BLIT_NOSRC 0x00100000
+#define CG6_FBC_BLIT_SRC 0x00200000
+#define CG6_FBC_BLIT_ILLEGAL 0x00300000
+#define CG6_FBC_BLIT_MASK 0x00300000
+#define CG6_FBC_VBLANK 0x00080000
+#define CG6_FBC_MODE_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_MODE_COLOR8 0x00020000
+#define CG6_FBC_MODE_COLOR1 0x00040000
+#define CG6_FBC_MODE_HRMONO 0x00060000
+#define CG6_FBC_MODE_MASK 0x00060000
+#define CG6_FBC_DRAW_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_DRAW_RENDER 0x00008000
+#define CG6_FBC_DRAW_PICK 0x00010000
+#define CG6_FBC_DRAW_ILLEGAL 0x00018000
+#define CG6_FBC_DRAW_MASK 0x00018000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE0_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE0_ENABLE 0x00002000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE0_DISABLE 0x00004000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE0_ILLEGAL 0x00006000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE0_MASK 0x00006000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE1_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE1_ENABLE 0x00000800
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE1_DISABLE 0x00001000
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE1_ILLEGAL 0x00001800
+#define CG6_FBC_BWRITE1_MASK 0x00001800
+#define CG6_FBC_BREAD_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_BREAD_0 0x00000200
+#define CG6_FBC_BREAD_1 0x00000400
+#define CG6_FBC_BREAD_ILLEGAL 0x00000600
+#define CG6_FBC_BREAD_MASK 0x00000600
+#define CG6_FBC_BDISP_IGNORE 0x00000000
+#define CG6_FBC_BDISP_0 0x00000080
+#define CG6_FBC_BDISP_1 0x00000100
+#define CG6_FBC_BDISP_ILLEGAL 0x00000180
+#define CG6_FBC_BDISP_MASK 0x00000180
+#define CG6_FBC_INDEX_MOD 0x00000040
+#define CG6_FBC_INDEX_MASK 0x00000030
+/* THC definitions */
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_REV_SHIFT 16
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_REV_MASK 15
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_RESET (1 << 12)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_VIDEO (1 << 10)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_SYNC (1 << 9)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_VSYNC (1 << 8)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_SYNC_ENAB (1 << 7)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_CURS_RES (1 << 6)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_INT_ENAB (1 << 5)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_INT (1 << 4)
+#define CG6_THC_MISC_INIT 0x9f
+/* The contents are unknown */
+struct cg6_tec {
+ volatile int tec_matrix;
+ volatile int tec_clip;
+ volatile int tec_vdc;
+struct cg6_thc {
+ uint thc_pad0[512];
+ volatile uint thc_hs; /* hsync timing */
+ volatile uint thc_hsdvs;
+ volatile uint thc_hd;
+ volatile uint thc_vs; /* vsync timing */
+ volatile uint thc_vd;
+ volatile uint thc_refresh;
+ volatile uint thc_misc;
+ uint thc_pad1[56];
+ volatile uint thc_cursxy; /* cursor x,y position (16 bits each) */
+ volatile uint thc_cursmask[32]; /* cursor mask bits */
+ volatile uint thc_cursbits[32]; /* what to show where mask enabled */
+struct cg6_fbc {
+ u32 xxx0[1];
+ volatile u32 mode;
+ volatile u32 clip;
+ u32 xxx1[1];
+ volatile u32 s;
+ volatile u32 draw;
+ volatile u32 blit;
+ volatile u32 font;
+ u32 xxx2[24];
+ volatile u32 x0, y0, z0, color0;
+ volatile u32 x1, y1, z1, color1;
+ volatile u32 x2, y2, z2, color2;
+ volatile u32 x3, y3, z3, color3;
+ volatile u32 offx, offy;
+ u32 xxx3[2];
+ volatile u32 incx, incy;
+ u32 xxx4[2];
+ volatile u32 clipminx, clipminy;
+ u32 xxx5[2];
+ volatile u32 clipmaxx, clipmaxy;
+ u32 xxx6[2];
+ volatile u32 fg;
+ volatile u32 bg;
+ volatile u32 alu;
+ volatile u32 pm;
+ volatile u32 pixelm;
+ u32 xxx7[2];
+ volatile u32 patalign;
+ volatile u32 pattern[8];
+ u32 xxx8[432];
+ volatile u32 apointx, apointy, apointz;
+ u32 xxx9[1];
+ volatile u32 rpointx, rpointy, rpointz;
+ u32 xxx10[5];
+ volatile u32 pointr, pointg, pointb, pointa;
+ volatile u32 alinex, aliney, alinez;
+ u32 xxx11[1];
+ volatile u32 rlinex, rliney, rlinez;
+ u32 xxx12[5];
+ volatile u32 liner, lineg, lineb, linea;
+ volatile u32 atrix, atriy, atriz;
+ u32 xxx13[1];
+ volatile u32 rtrix, rtriy, rtriz;
+ u32 xxx14[5];
+ volatile u32 trir, trig, trib, tria;
+ volatile u32 aquadx, aquady, aquadz;
+ u32 xxx15[1];
+ volatile u32 rquadx, rquady, rquadz;
+ u32 xxx16[5];
+ volatile u32 quadr, quadg, quadb, quada;
+ volatile u32 arectx, arecty, arectz;
+ u32 xxx17[1];
+ volatile u32 rrectx, rrecty, rrectz;
+ u32 xxx18[5];
+ volatile u32 rectr, rectg, rectb, recta;
+static struct sbus_mmap_map cg6_mmap_map[] = {
+ { CG6_ROM, CG6_ROM_OFFSET, 0x10000 },
+ { CG6_RAM, CG6_RAM_OFFSET, 0x100000 }, /* FIXME: This should really be fbsize */
+ { CG6_DHC, CG6_DHC_OFFSET, 0x40000 },
+ { 0, 0, 0 }
+static void cg6_setup(struct display *p)
+ p->next_line = sbusfbinfo(p->fb_info)->var.xres_virtual;
+ p->next_plane = 0;
+static void cg6_bmove(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
+ int height, int width)
+#if 0
+ int bytes = p->next_line, linesize = bytes * p->fontheight, rows;
+ u8 *src, *dst;
+ if (sx == 0 && dx == 0 && width * 32 == bytes)
+ mymemmove(p->screen_base + dy * linesize,
+ p->screen_base + sy * linesize,
+ height * linesize);
+ else if (dy < sy || (dy == sy && dx < sx)) {
+ src = p->screen_base + sy * linesize + sx * 32;
+ dst = p->screen_base + dy * linesize + dx * 32;
+ for (rows = height * p->fontheight ; rows-- ;) {
+ mymemmove(dst, src, width * 32);
+ src += bytes;
+ dst += bytes;
+ }
+ } else {
+ src = p->screen_base + (sy+height) * linesize + sx * 32 - bytes;
+ dst = p->screen_base + (dy+height) * linesize + dx * 32 - bytes;
+ for (rows = height * p->fontheight ; rows-- ;) {
+ mymemmove(dst, src, width * 32);
+ src -= bytes;
+ dst -= bytes;
+ }
+ }
+static void cg6_clear(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy, int sx,
+ int height, int width)
+#if 0
+ struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb = (struct fb_info_sbusfb *)p->fb_info;
+ register struct cg6_fbc *fbc = fb->s.cg6.fbc;
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ fbc->ppc = 0x1803;
+ fbc->fg = cg6_cmap[attr_bg_col_ec(conp)];
+ fbc->fbc = 0x2000707f;
+ fbc->rop = 0x83;
+ fbc->pmask = 0xffffffff;
+ fbc->unk2 = 8;
+ /* FIXME: Optimize this by allowing 8/16 fontheigh only and introduce p->fontheightlog */
+ if (p->fontheight == 16) {
+ y = sy << 4; h = height << 4;
+ } else {
+ y = sy * p->fontheight; h = height * p->fontheight;
+ }
+ x = sx << 3; w = width << 3;
+ fbc->by = y + fb->y_margin;
+ fbc->bx = x + fb->x_margin;
+ fbc->bh = h;
+ fbc->bw = w;
+static void cg6_fill(struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb, int s,
+ int count, unsigned short *boxes)
+#if 0
+ register struct cg6_fbc *fbc = fb->s.cg6.fbc;
+ fbc->ppc = 0x1803;
+ fbc->fg = cg6_cmap[attr_bg_col(s)];
+ fbc->fbc = 0x2000707f;
+ fbc->rop = 0x83;
+ fbc->pmask = 0xffffffff;
+ fbc->unk2 = 8;
+ while (count-- > 0) {
+ fbc->by = boxes[1];
+ fbc->bx = boxes[0];
+ fbc->bh = boxes[3] - boxes[1];
+ fbc->bw = boxes[2] - boxes[0];
+ boxes += 4;
+ }
+static void cg6_putc(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int c, int yy, int xx)
+#if 0
+ struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb = (struct fb_info_sbusfb *)p->fb_info;
+ register struct cg6_fbc *fbc = fb->s.cg6.fbc;
+ int i, xy;
+ u8 *fd;
+ if (p->fontheight == 16) {
+ xy = (yy << (16 + 4));
+ fd = p->fontdata + ((c & 0xff) << 4);
+ } else {
+ xy = ((yy * p->fontheight) << 16);
+ fd = p->fontdata + (c & 0xff) * p->fontheight;
+ }
+ xy += (xx << 3) + fb->s.cg6.xy_margin;
+ fbc->ppc = 0x203;
+ fbc->fg = cg6_cmap[attr_fg_col(c)];
+ fbc->fbc = 0x2000707f;
+ fbc->rop = 0x83;
+ fbc->pmask = 0xffffffff;
+ fbc->bg = cg6_cmap[attr_bg_col(c)];
+ fbc->fontw = 8;
+ fbc->fontinc = 0x10000;
+ fbc->fontxy = xy;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->fontheight; i++)
+ fbc->font = *fd++ << 24;
+static void cg6_putcs(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, const unsigned short *s,
+ int count, int yy, int xx)
+#if 0
+ struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb = (struct fb_info_sbusfb *)p->fb_info;
+ register struct cg6_fbc *fbc = fb->s.cg6.fbc;
+ int i, xy;
+ u8 *fd1, *fd2, *fd3, *fd4;
+ fbc->ppc = 0x203;
+ fbc->fg = cg6_cmap[attr_fg_col(*s)];
+ fbc->fbc = 0x2000707f;
+ fbc->rop = 0x83;
+ fbc->pmask = 0xffffffff;
+ fbc->bg = cg6_cmap[attr_bg_col(*s)];
+ if (p->fontheight == 16) {
+ xy = (yy << (16 + 4)) + (xx << 3) + fb->s.cg6.xy_margin;
+ while (count >= 4) {
+ count -= 4;
+ fbc->fontw = 32;
+ fbc->fontinc = 0x10000;
+ fbc->fontxy = xy;
+ fd1 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) << 4);
+ fd2 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) << 4);
+ fd3 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) << 4);
+ fd4 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) << 4);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ fbc->font = ((u32)*fd4++) | ((((u32)*fd3++) | ((((u32)*fd2++) | (((u32)*fd1++) << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
+ xy += 32;
+ }
+ while (count) {
+ count--;
+ fbc->fontw = 8;
+ fbc->fontinc = 0x10000;
+ fbc->fontxy = xy;
+ fd1 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) << 4);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ fbc->font = *fd1++ << 24;
+ xy += 8;
+ }
+ } else {
+ xy = ((yy * p->fontheight) << 16) + (xx << 3) + fb->s.cg6.xy_margin;
+ while (count >= 4) {
+ count -= 4;
+ fbc->fontw = 32;
+ fbc->fontinc = 0x10000;
+ fbc->fontxy = xy;
+ fd1 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) * p->fontheight);
+ fd2 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) * p->fontheight);
+ fd3 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) * p->fontheight);
+ fd4 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) * p->fontheight);
+ for (i = 0; i < p->fontheight; i++)
+ fbc->font = ((u32)*fd4++) | ((((u32)*fd3++) | ((((u32)*fd2++) | (((u32)*fd1++) << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
+ xy += 32;
+ }
+ while (count) {
+ count--;
+ fbc->fontw = 8;
+ fbc->fontinc = 0x10000;
+ fbc->fontxy = xy;
+ fd1 = p->fontdata + ((*s++ & 0xff) * p->fontheight);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ fbc->font = *fd1++ << 24;
+ xy += 8;
+ }
+ }
+static void cg6_revc(struct display *p, int xx, int yy)
+ u8 *dest;
+ int bytes=p->next_line, rows;
+ dest = p->screen_base + yy * p->fontheight * bytes + xx * 8;
+ for (rows = p->fontheight ; rows-- ; dest += bytes) {
+ ((u32 *)dest)[0] ^= 0x0f0f0f0f;
+ ((u32 *)dest)[1] ^= 0x0f0f0f0f;
+ }
+static void cg6_loadcmap (struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb, int index, int count)
+ struct bt_regs *bt = fb->;
+ int i;
+ bt->addr = index << 24;
+ for (i = index; count--; i++){
+ bt->color_map = fb->color_map CM(i,0) << 24;
+ bt->color_map = fb->color_map CM(i,1) << 24;
+ bt->color_map = fb->color_map CM(i,2) << 24;
+ }
+static struct display_switch cg6_dispsw __initdata = {
+ cg6_setup, cg6_bmove, cg6_clear, cg6_putc, cg6_putcs, cg6_revc, NULL
+static void cg6_setcursormap (struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb, u8 *red, u8 *green, u8 *blue)
+ struct bt_regs *bt = fb->;
+ bt->addr = 1 << 24;
+ bt->cursor = red[0] << 24;
+ bt->cursor = green[0] << 24;
+ bt->cursor = blue[0] << 24;
+ bt->addr = 3 << 24;
+ bt->cursor = red[1] << 24;
+ bt->cursor = green[1] << 24;
+ bt->cursor = blue[1] << 24;
+/* Set cursor shape */
+static void cg6_setcurshape (struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb)
+ struct cg6_thc *thc = fb->s.cg6.thc;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++){
+ thc->thc_cursmask [i] = fb->cursor.bits[0][i];
+ thc->thc_cursbits [i] = fb->cursor.bits[1][i];
+ }
+/* Load cursor information */
+static void cg6_setcursor (struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb)
+ unsigned int v;
+ struct cg_cursor *c = &fb->cursor;
+ if (c->enable)
+ v = ((c->cpos.fbx - c->chot.fbx) << 16)
+ |((c->cpos.fby - c->chot.fby) & 0xffff);
+ else
+ /* Magic constant to turn off the cursor */
+ v = ((65536-32) << 16) | (65536-32);
+ fb->s.cg6.thc->thc_cursxy = v;
+static char idstring[60] __initdata = { 0 };
+__initfunc(char *cgsixfb_init(struct fb_info_sbusfb *fb))
+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fb->fix;
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fb->var;
+ struct display *disp = &fb->disp;
+ struct fbtype *type = &fb->type;
+ unsigned long phys = fb->sbdp->reg_addrs[0].phys_addr;
+ u32 conf;
+ char *p;
+ strcpy(fb->info.modename, "CGsix");
+ strcpy(fix->id, "CGsix");
+ fix->smem_start = (char *)phys + CG6_RAM_OFFSET;
+ fix->line_length = fb->var.xres_virtual;
+ fix->mmio_start = (char *)phys + CG6_FBC_OFFSET;
+ fix->mmio_len = PAGE_SIZE;
+ var->accel_flags = FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ disp->scrollmode = SCROLL_YREDRAW;
+ if (!disp->screen_base)
+ disp->screen_base = (char *)sparc_alloc_io(phys + CG6_RAM_OFFSET, 0,
+ type->fb_size, "cgsix_ram", fb->iospace, 0);
+ disp->screen_base += fix->line_length * fb->y_margin + fb->x_margin;
+ fb->s.cg6.fbc = (struct cg6_fbc *)(char *)sparc_alloc_io(phys + CG6_FBC_OFFSET, 0,
+ 4096, "cgsix_fbc", fb->iospace, 0);
+ fb->s.cg6.thc = (struct cg6_thc *)sparc_alloc_io(phys + CG6_THC_OFFSET, 0,
+ sizeof(struct cg6_thc), "cgsix_thc", fb->iospace, 0);
+ fb-> = (struct bt_regs *)sparc_alloc_io(phys + CG6_BROOKTREE_OFFSET, 0,
+ sizeof(struct bt_regs), "cgsix_dac", fb->iospace, 0);
+ fb->s.cg6.fhc = (u32 *)sparc_alloc_io(phys + CG6_FHC_OFFSET, 0,
+ sizeof(u32), "cgsix_fhc", fb->iospace, 0);
+ fb->dispsw = cg6_dispsw;
+ fb->loadcmap = cg6_loadcmap;
+ fb->setcursor = cg6_setcursor;
+ fb->setcursormap = cg6_setcursormap;
+ fb->setcurshape = cg6_setcurshape;
+ fb->fill = cg6_fill;
+ fb->physbase = phys;
+ fb->mmap_map = cg6_mmap_map;
+ /* Initialize Brooktree DAC */
+ fb->>addr = 0x04 << 24; /* color planes */
+ fb->>control = 0xff << 24;
+ fb->>addr = 0x05 << 24;
+ fb->>control = 0x00 << 24;
+ fb->>addr = 0x06 << 24; /* overlay plane */
+ fb->>control = 0x73 << 24;
+ fb->>addr = 0x07 << 24;
+ fb->>control = 0x00 << 24;
+ conf = *fb->s.cg6.fhc;
+ switch(conf & CG6_FHC_CPU_MASK) {
+ case CG6_FHC_CPU_SPARC: p = "sparc"; break;
+ case CG6_FHC_CPU_68020: p = "68020"; break;
+ default: p = "i386"; break;
+ }
+ sprintf(idstring, "cgsix at %02x.%08lx TEC Rev %x CPU %s Rev %x", fb->iospace, phys,
+ (fb->s.cg6.thc->thc_misc >> CG6_THC_MISC_REV_SHIFT) & CG6_THC_MISC_REV_MASK,
+ p, conf >> CG6_FHC_REV_SHIFT & CG6_FHC_REV_MASK);
+ return idstring;
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,