patch-2.1.110 linux/include/asm-arm/arch-vnc/io.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.109/linux/include/asm-arm/arch-vnc/io.h linux/include/asm-arm/arch-vnc/io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * linux/include/asm-arm/arch-ebsa110/io.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Russell King
+ *
+ * Modifications:
+ *  06-Dec-1997	RMK	Created.
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARM_ARCH_IO_H
+#define __ASM_ARM_ARCH_IO_H
+ * This architecture does not require any delayed IO, and
+ * has the constant-optimised IO
+ */
+ * Dynamic IO functions - let the compiler
+ * optimize the expressions
+ */
+#define DECLARE_DYN_OUT(fnsuffix,instr,typ)					\
+extern __inline__ void __out##fnsuffix (unsigned int value, unsigned int port)	\
+{										\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"str" ##instr## "	%0, [%1, %2]"					\
+	: 									\
+	: "r" (value), "r" (PCIO_BASE), typ (port));				\
+#define DECLARE_DYN_IN(sz,fnsuffix,instr,typ)					\
+extern __inline__ unsigned sz __in##fnsuffix (unsigned int port)		\
+{										\
+	unsigned long value;							\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"ldr" ##instr## "	%0, [%1, %2]"					\
+	: "=&r" (value)								\
+	: "r" (PCIO_BASE), typ (port));						\
+	return (unsigned sz)value;						\
+extern __inline__ unsigned int __ioaddr (unsigned int port)			\
+{										\
+	return (unsigned int)(PCIO_BASE + port);				\
+#define DECLARE_IO(sz,fnsuffix,instr,typ)	\
+	DECLARE_DYN_OUT(fnsuffix,instr,typ)	\
+	DECLARE_DYN_IN(sz,fnsuffix,instr,typ)
+#undef DECLARE_IO
+ * Constant address IO functions
+ *
+ * These have to be macros for the 'J' constraint to work -
+ * +/-4096 immediate operand.
+ */
+#define __outbc(value,port)							\
+({										\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"strb	%0, [%1, %2]"							\
+	:									\
+	: "r" (value), "r" (PCIO_BASE), "Jr" (port));				\
+#define __inbc(port)								\
+({										\
+	unsigned char result;							\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"ldrb	%0, [%1, %2]"							\
+	: "=r" (result)								\
+	: "r" (PCIO_BASE), "Jr" (port));					\
+	result;									\
+#define __outwc(value,port)							\
+({										\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"strh	%0, [%1, %2]"							\
+	:									\
+	: "r" (value), "r" (PCIO_BASE), "r" (port));				\
+#define __inwc(port)								\
+({										\
+	unsigned short result;							\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"ldrh	%0, [%1, %2]"							\
+	: "=r" (result)								\
+	: "r" (PCIO_BASE), "r" (port));						\
+	result & 0xffff;							\
+#define __outlc(value,port)							\
+({										\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"str	%0, [%1, %2]"							\
+	:									\
+	: "r" (value), "r" (PCIO_BASE), "Jr" (port));				\
+#define __inlc(port)								\
+({										\
+	unsigned long result;							\
+	__asm__ __volatile__(							\
+	"ldr	%0, [%1, %2]"							\
+	: "=r" (result)								\
+	: "r" (PCIO_BASE), "Jr" (port));					\
+	result;									\
+#define __ioaddrc(port)								\
+({										\
+	unsigned long addr;							\
+	addr = PCIO_BASE + port;						\
+	addr;									\
+ * Translated address IO functions
+ *
+ * IO address has already been translated to a virtual address
+ */
+#define outb_t(v,p)								\
+	(*(volatile unsigned char *)(p) = (v))
+#define inb_t(p)								\
+	(*(volatile unsigned char *)(p))
+#define outl_t(v,p)								\
+	(*(volatile unsigned long *)(p) = (v))
+#define inl_t(p)								\
+	(*(volatile unsigned long *)(p))
+ * This is not sufficient... (and it's a hack anyway)
+ */
+static inline void writeb(unsigned char b, unsigned int addr)
+	*(volatile unsigned char *)(0xe0000000 + (addr)) = b;
+static inline unsigned char readb(unsigned int addr)
+	return *(volatile unsigned char *)(0xe0000000 + (addr));
+static inline void writew(unsigned short b, unsigned int addr)
+	*(volatile unsigned short *)(0xe0000000 + (addr)) = b;
+static inline unsigned short readw(unsigned int addr)
+	return *(volatile unsigned short *)(0xe0000000 + (addr));
+static inline void writew(unsigned long b, unsigned int addr)
+	*(volatile unsigned long *)(0xe0000000 + (addr)) = b;
+static inline unsigned long readw(unsigned int addr)
+	return *(volatile unsigned long *)(0xe0000000 + (addr));

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,