patch-2.1.53 linux/include/linux/arcdevice.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.52/linux/include/linux/arcdevice.h linux/include/linux/arcdevice.h
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+ * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+ *		operating system.  NET  is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+ *		interface as the means of communication with the user level.
+ *
+ *		Definitions for the ARCnet handlers.
+ *
+ * Version:	@(#)arcdevice.h	1.0	31/07/97
+ *
+ * Authors:	Avery Pennarun <>
+ *              David Woodhouse <>
+ *
+ *		This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *		modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *		as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ *		2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/if_arcnet.h>
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#define ARC_20020     1
+#define ARC_RIM_I     2
+#define ARC_90xx      3
+#define ARC_90xx_IO   4
+#define MAX_ARCNET_DEVS 8
+/* The card sends the reconfiguration signal when it loses the connection to
+ * the rest of its network. It is a 'Hello, is anybody there?' cry.  This
+ * usually happens when a new computer on the network is powered on or when
+ * the cable is broken.
+ *
+ * Define DETECT_RECONFIGS if you want to detect network reconfigurations.
+ * Recons may be a real nuisance on a larger ARCnet network; if you are a
+ * network administrator you probably would like to count them.
+ * Reconfigurations will be recorded in stats.tx_carrier_errors (the last
+ * field of the /proc/net/dev file).
+ *
+ * Define SHOW_RECONFIGS if you really want to see a log message whenever
+ * a RECON occurs.
+ */
+/* RECON_THRESHOLD is the maximum number of RECON messages to receive within
+ * one minute before printing a "cabling problem" warning.  You must have
+ * DETECT_RECONFIGS enabled if you want to use this.  The default value
+ * should be fine.
+ *
+ * After that, a "cabling restored" message will be printed on the next IRQ
+ * if no RECON messages have been received for 10 seconds.
+ *
+ * Do not define RECON_THRESHOLD at all if you want to disable this feature.
+ */
+/* Define this to the minimum "timeout" value.  If a transmit takes longer
+ * than TX_TIMEOUT jiffies, Linux will abort the TX and retry.  On a large
+ * network, or one with heavy network traffic, this timeout may need to be
+ * increased.  The larger it is, though, the longer it will be between
+ * necessary transmits - don't set this too large.
+ */
+#define TX_TIMEOUT 20
+/* New debugging bitflags: each option can be enabled individually.
+ *
+ * These can be set while the driver is running by typing:
+ *	ifconfig arc0 down metric 1xxx HOSTNAME
+ *		where 1xxx is 1000 + the debug level you want
+ *		and HOSTNAME is your hostname/ip address
+ * and then resetting your routes.
+ *
+ * An ioctl() should be used for this instead, someday.
+ *
+ * Note: only debug flags included in the ARCNET_DEBUG_MAX define will
+ *   actually be available.  GCC will (at least, GCC 2.7.0 will) notice
+ *   lines using a BUGLVL not in ARCNET_DEBUG_MAX and automatically optimize
+ *   them out.
+ */
+#define D_NORMAL	1	/* important operational info		*/
+#define D_EXTRA		2	/* useful, but non-vital information	*/
+#define	D_INIT		4	/* show init/probe messages		*/
+#define D_INIT_REASONS	8	/* show reasons for discarding probes	*/
+/* debug levels below give LOTS of output during normal operation! */
+#define D_DURING	16	/* trace operations (including irq's)	*/
+#define D_TX		32	/* show tx packets			*/
+#define D_RX		64	/* show rx packets			*/
+#define D_SKB		128	/* show skb's				*/
+#define ARCNET_DEBUG_MAX (~0)		/* enable ALL debug messages	 */
+extern int arcnet_debug;
+/* macros to simplify debug checking */
+#define BUGLVL(x) if ((ARCNET_DEBUG_MAX)&arcnet_debug&(x))
+#define BUGMSG2(x,msg,args...) BUGLVL(x) printk(msg, ## args)
+#define BUGMSG(x,msg,args...) BUGMSG2(x,"%s%6s: " msg, \
+            x==D_NORMAL	? KERN_WARNING : \
+	dev->name , ## args)
+#define SETMASK AINTMASK(lp->intmask)
+	/* Time needed to resetthe card - in jiffies.  This works on my SMC
+	 * PC100.  I can't find a reference that tells me just how long I
+	 * should wait.
+	 */
+#define RESETtime (HZ * 3 / 10)		/* reset */
+	/* these are the max/min lengths of packet data. (including
+	 * ClientData header)
+	 * note: packet sizes 250, 251, 252 are impossible (God knows why)
+	 *  so exception packets become necessary.
+	 *
+	 * These numbers are compared with the length of the full packet,
+	 * including ClientData header.
+	 */
+#define MTU	253	/* normal packet max size */
+#define MinTU	257	/* extended packet min size */
+#define XMTU	508	/* extended packet max size */
+	/* status/interrupt mask bit fields */
+#define TXFREEflag	0x01            /* transmitter available */
+#define TXACKflag       0x02            /* transmitted msg. ackd */
+#define RECONflag       0x04            /* system reconfigured */
+#define TESTflag        0x08            /* test flag */
+#define RESETflag       0x10            /* power-on-reset */
+#define RES1flag        0x20            /* reserved - usually set by jumper */
+#define RES2flag        0x40            /* reserved - usually set by jumper */
+#define NORXflag        0x80            /* receiver inhibited */
+       /* Flags used for IO-mapped memory operations */
+#define AUTOINCflag     0x40    /* Increase location with each access */
+#define IOMAPflag       0x02    /* (for 90xx) Use IO mapped memory, not mmap */
+#define ENABLE16flag    0x80    /* (for 90xx) Enable 16-bit mode */
+       /* in the command register, the following bits have these meanings:
+        *                0-2     command
+        *                3-4     page number (for enable rcv/xmt command)
+        *                 7      receive broadcasts
+        */
+#define NOTXcmd         0x01            /* disable transmitter */
+#define NORXcmd         0x02            /* disable receiver */
+#define TXcmd           0x03            /* enable transmitter */
+#define RXcmd           0x04            /* enable receiver */
+#define CONFIGcmd       0x05            /* define configuration */
+#define CFLAGScmd       0x06            /* clear flags */
+#define TESTcmd         0x07            /* load test flags */
+       /* flags for "clear flags" command */
+#define RESETclear      0x08            /* power-on-reset */
+#define CONFIGclear     0x10            /* system reconfigured */
+	/* flags for "load test flags" command */
+#define TESTload        0x08            /* test flag (diagnostic) */
+	/* byte deposited into first address of buffers on reset */
+#define TESTvalue       0321		 /* that's octal for 0xD1 :) */
+	/* for "enable receiver" command */
+#define RXbcasts        0x80            /* receive broadcasts */
+	/* flags for "define configuration" command */
+#define NORMALconf      0x00            /* 1-249 byte packets */
+#define EXTconf         0x08            /* 250-504 byte packets */
+	/* Starts receiving packets into recbuf.
+	 */
+#define EnableReceiver()	ACOMMAND(RXcmd|(recbuf<<3)|RXbcasts)
+#define JIFFER(time) for (delayval=jiffies+time; jiffies<delayval;) ;
+	/* a complete ARCnet packet */
+union ArcPacket
+	struct archdr hardheader;	/* the hardware header */
+	u_char raw[512];		/* raw packet info, incl ClientData */
+	/* the "client data" header - RFC1201 information
+	 * notice that this screws up if it's not an even number of bytes
+	 * <sigh>
+	 */
+struct ClientData
+	/* data that's NOT part of real packet - we MUST get rid of it before
+	 * actually sending!!
+	 */
+	u_char  saddr,		/* Source address - needed for IPX */
+		daddr;		/* Destination address */
+	/* data that IS part of real packet */
+	u_char	protocol_id,	/* ARC_P_IP, ARC_P_ARP, etc */
+		split_flag;	/* for use with split packets */
+	u_short	sequence;	/* sequence number */
+#define EXTRA_CLIENTDATA (sizeof(struct ClientData)-4)
+	/* the "client data" header - RFC1051 information
+	 * this also screws up if it's not an even number of bytes
+	 * <sigh again>
+	 */
+struct S_ClientData
+	/* data that's NOT part of real packet - we MUST get rid of it before
+	 * actually sending!!
+	 */
+	u_char  saddr,		/* Source address - needed for IPX */
+		daddr,		/* Destination address */
+		junk;		/* padding to make an even length */
+	/* data that IS part of real packet */
+	u_char	protocol_id;	/* ARC_P_IP, ARC_P_ARP, etc */
+#define S_EXTRA_CLIENTDATA (sizeof(struct S_ClientData)-1)
+/* "Incoming" is information needed for each address that could be sending
+ * to us.  Mostly for partially-received split packets.
+ */
+struct Incoming
+	struct sk_buff *skb;		/* packet data buffer             */
+	unsigned char lastpacket,	/* number of last packet (from 1) */
+		      numpackets;	/* number of packets in split     */
+	u_short sequence;		/* sequence number of assembly	  */
+struct Outgoing
+	struct sk_buff *skb;		/* buffer from upper levels */
+	struct ClientData *hdr;		/* clientdata of last packet */
+	u_char *data;			/* pointer to data in packet */
+	short length,			/* bytes total */
+	      dataleft,			/* bytes left */
+	      segnum,			/* segment being sent */
+	      numsegs,			/* number of segments */
+	      seglen;			/* length of segment */
+struct arcnet_local {
+  struct net_device_stats stats;
+  u_short sequence;	/* sequence number (incs with each packet) */
+  u_short aborted_seq;
+  u_char stationid,	/* our 8-bit station address */
+    recbuf,		/* receive buffer # (0 or 1) */
+    txbuf,		/* transmit buffer # (2 or 3) */
+    txready,	/* buffer where a packet is ready to send */
+    config,         /* current value of CONFIG register */
+    timeout,        /* Extended timeout for COM20020 */
+    backplane,      /* Backplane flag for COM20020 */     
+    setup,          /* Contents of setup register */
+    intmask;	/* current value of INTMASK register */
+  short intx,		/* in TX routine? */
+    in_txhandler,	/* in TX_IRQ handler? */
+    sending,		/* transmit in progress? */
+    lastload_dest,	/* can last loaded packet be acked? */
+    lasttrans_dest;	/* can last TX'd packet be acked? */
+#if defined(DETECT_RECONFIGS) && defined(RECON_THRESHOLD)
+  time_t first_recon,	/* time of "first" RECON message to count */
+    last_recon;	/* time of most recent RECON */
+  int num_recons,		/* number of RECONs between first and last. */
+    network_down;	/* do we think the network is down? */
+  struct timer_list timer; /* the timer interrupt struct */
+  struct Incoming incoming[256];	/* one from each address */
+  struct Outgoing outgoing; /* packet currently being sent */
+  int card_type;
+  char *card_type_str;
+  void (*inthandler) (struct device *dev);
+  int (*arcnet_reset) (struct device *dev, int reset_delay);
+  void (*asetmask) (struct device *dev, u_char mask);
+  void (*acommand) (struct device *dev, u_char command);
+  u_char (*astatus) (struct device *dev);
+  void (*en_dis_able_TX) (struct device *dev, int enable); 
+  void (*prepare_tx)(struct device *dev,u_char *hdr,int hdrlen,
+		     char *data,int length,int daddr,int exceptA, int offset);
+  void (*openclose_device)(int open);
+  struct device *adev;	/* RFC1201 protocol device */
+  /* These are last to ensure that the chipset drivers don't depend on the
+   * CONFIG_ARCNET_ETH and CONFIG_ARCNET_1051 options. 
+   */
+  struct device *edev;	/* Ethernet-Encap device */
+#ifdef CONFIG_ARCNET_1051
+  struct device *sdev;	/* RFC1051 protocol device */
+#endif  /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif	/* _LINUX_ARCDEVICE_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,