patch-2.1.78 linux/fs/hfs/INSTALL.txt
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- Lines: 127
- Date:
Sun Jan 4 10:40:17 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.77/linux/fs/hfs/INSTALL.txt linux/fs/hfs/INSTALL.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ Installation instructions for the HFS Filesystem for Linux
+ Paul H. Hargrove, hargrove@sccm.Stanford.EDU
+ version 0.95 28 Apr 1997
+ This document explains how to compile and install version 0.95 of
+ hfs_fs, the HFS filesystem for Linux.
+ 11.. SSyysstteemm RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
+ You will need the following to compile and use this release of hfs_fs:
+ +o Kernel version 2.0.1 or newer compiled with modules enabled
+ +o The kernel sources (or at least the header files) available online.
+ +o The module utilities package current for your kernel version and an
+ understanding of how to use it. (The file
+ Documentation/modules.txt in the kernel source directory provides a
+ brief introduction.)
+ 22.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
+ This release of the HFS filesystem is not part of the official kernel
+ distribution. Therefore, it is compiled as a module and then loaded
+ into the kernel using the module utilities. Therefore, your kernel
+ must be compiled with CONFIG_MODULES enabled.
+ 22..11.. CCoommppiilliinngg tthhee llooaaddaabbllee mmoodduullee
+ To compile hfs.o you should only need to execute ``make'' in the
+ hfs_fs source directory.
+ If gcc complains about not finding a large number of header files with
+ names beginning with ``linux/'' then you probably don't have the
+ kernel header files installed correctly. Either /usr/include/linux,
+ /usr/include/asm and /usr/include/scsi should be symbolic links to
+ include/linux, include/asm and include/scsi in the kernel source tree
+ for the kernel you wish to use hfs_fs with, or else they should be
+ directories containing the header files for the kernel you wish to use
+ hfs_fs with.
+ If gcc complains about not finding linux/version.h, then you will need
+ to run ``make dep'' in the kernel source directory to build it. Under
+ MkLinux, run ``make include/linux/version.h'' instead.
+ If gcc complains about not finding the files linux/config.h or
+ linux/autoconf.h, then you will need to run ``make config'' and ``make
+ dep'' in the kernel source directory to build these two files.
+ If you are compiling on a DEC Alpha and receive messages saying
+ assignment from incompatible pointer type when compiling files dir_*.c
+ and file_*.c, then you need to change a single line in the file
+ linux/hfs_fs.h. Remove the text ``&& !defined(__alpha__)'' from the
+ end of line 217.
+ 22..22.. IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee mmoodduullee iinn tthhee mmoodduulleess ddiirreeccttoorryy ((ooppttiioonnaall))
+ If you plan to use kerneld to automatically load the module or if you
+ wish to use modprobe or insmod without supplying a complete path to
+ hfs.o, then you will need to copy hfs.o into a directory where the
+ module utilities expect to find it.
+ The proper directory may depend slightly on your configuration.
+ However, /lib/modules/default/fs/ is a common one for filesystem
+ modules. Once hfs.o is in the proper directory you should run depmod
+ -a to update the dependency list used by kerneld and modprobe.
+ 22..33.. LLooaaddiinngg tthhee mmoodduullee iinnttoo tthhee rruunnnniinngg kkeerrnneell
+ There are three ways to accomplish this:
+ 1. If you are running kerneld and have installed hfs.o in the modules
+ directory then you don't need to issue any commands; the module
+ will be loaded when you attempt to mount an HFS filesystem.
+ 2. If you are _n_o_t running kerneld then you can load hfs.o manually by
+ running modprobe hfs.o. If you have not installed hfs.o in one of
+ the standard module directories, then you will need provide a full
+ path to the file hfs.o.
+ 3. If you have been experiencing kernel crashes with hfs_fs, then you
+ should file a bug report including the names of the functions which
+ the EIP and Stack Trace point into. To help with this you can ask
+ for relocation map for the module when you load it. To do this
+ load the module with ``insmod -m hfs.o >loadmap''. Again, you may
+ need a full path to the file hfs.o if you have not placed it in one
+ of the standard module directories.
+ 22..44.. UUssiinngg tthhee mmoodduullee wwiitthh vveerrssiioonneedd ssyymmbboollss
+ All the interface between the module and the kernel take place through
+ very stable (since the mid-1.3.x kernels) parts of the kernel. If you
+ enabled versioned symbols (CONFIG_MODVERSIONS) when you compiled your
+ kernel you should often be able to compile this module once and then
+ use it with many kernels newer than the one you compiled it for.
+ In any case, it is unlikely that this module will need changes with
+ each new kernel patch; simple recompilation should usually suffice.
+ 33.. LLeeggaall NNoottiicceess
+ 33..11.. TThhiiss DDooccuummeenntt
+ This document is Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 by Paul H. Hargrove.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+ document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+ preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
+ document under the conditions for verbatim copies above, provided a
+ notice clearly stating that the document is a modified version is also
+ included in the modified document.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+ document into another language, under the conditions specified above
+ for modified versions.
+ Permission is granted to convert this document into another media
+ under the conditions specified above for modified versions provided
+ the requirement to acknowledge the source document is fulfilled by
+ inclusion of an obvious reference to the source document in the new
+ media. Where there is any doubt as to what defines ``obvious'' the
+ copyright owner reserves the right to decide.
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,