patch-2.4.18 linux/drivers/video/tridentfb.c

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diff -Naur -X /home/marcelo/lib/dontdiff linux.orig/drivers/video/tridentfb.c linux/drivers/video/tridentfb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1307 @@
+ * Frame buffer driver for Trident Blade and Image series
+ *
+ * Copyright 2001,2002 - Jani Monoses   <>
+ *
+ * $Id: tridentfb.c,v 1.2 2002/02/13 17:44:14 marcelo Exp $
+ *
+ * CREDITS:(in order of appearance)
+ * 	skeletonfb.c by Geert Uytterhoeven and other fb code in drivers/video
+ * 	Special thanks ;) to Mattia Crivellini <>
+ * 	much inspired by the XFree86 4.1.0 Trident driver sources by Alan Hourihane
+ * 	the FreeVGA project
+ *	Francesco Salvestrini <> XP support,code,suggestions
+ * NOTES:
+ * 	Tested on Compaq Presario 12XL300 with CyberBladei1
+ * 	Tested on Toshiba 1800-514 with CyberBladeXPAi1
+ * 	No monitors were harmed during the writing of this driver
+ * TODO:
+ * 	timing value tweaking so it looks good on every monitor in every mode
+ * 	test text acceleration for the Image series
+ *	test DPMS stuff
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fb.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <video/fbcon.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb8.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb16.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb24.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb32.h>
+#include "tridentfb.h"
+#define VERSION		"0.6.8"
+struct tridentfb_par {
+	struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
+	int bpp;
+	int hres;
+	int vres;
+	int linelength;
+	int vclk;		//in MHz
+	int vtotal;
+	int vdispend;
+	int vsyncstart;
+	int vsyncend;
+	int vblankstart;
+	int vblankend;
+	int htotal;
+	int hdispend;
+	int hsyncstart;
+	int hsyncend;
+	int hblankstart;
+	int hblankend;
+struct tridentfb_info {
+	struct fb_info_gen gen;
+	unsigned int fbmem_virt;	//framebuffer virtual memory address
+	unsigned int fbmem;		//framebuffer physical memory address
+	unsigned int memsize;		//size of fbmem
+	unsigned int io;		//io space address
+	unsigned int io_virt;		//iospace virtual memory address
+	unsigned int nativex;		//flat panel xres
+	struct tridentfb_par currentmode;
+static struct fb_ops tridentfb_ops;
+static struct tridentfb_info fb_info;
+static struct display disp;
+static struct { unsigned char red,green,blue,transp; } palette[256];
+static struct fb_var_screeninfo default_var;
+static char * tridentfb_name = "Trident";
+static int family;
+static int pci_id;
+static int defaultaccel;
+static int displaytype;
+static int pseudo_pal[16];
+/* defaults which are normally overriden by user values */
+/* video mode */
+static char * mode = "640x480";
+static int bpp = 8;
+static int noaccel;
+static int accel;
+static int center;
+static int stretch;
+static int fp;
+static int crt;
+static int memsize;
+static int memdiff;
+static int nativex;
+#define CRT 0x3D0		//CRTC registers offset for color display
+	#define TRIDENT_MMIO 1
+	#define t_outb(val,reg)	writeb(val,fb_info.io_virt + reg)
+	#define t_inb(reg)	readb(fb_info.io_virt + reg)
+	#define t_outb(val,reg) outb(val,reg)
+	#define t_inb(reg) inb(reg)
+static struct accel_switch {
+	void (*init_accel)(int,int);
+	void (*wait_engine)(void);
+	void (*fill_rect)(int,int,int,int,int);
+	void (*copy_rect)(int,int,int,int,int,int);
+} *acc;
+#define writemmr(r,v)	writel(v, fb_info.io_virt + r)
+#define readmmr(r)	readl(fb_info.io_virt + r)
+ * Blade specific acceleration.Not XP's though those are
+ * unaccelerated.
+ */
+#define point(x,y) ((y)<<16|(x))
+#define STA	0x2120
+#define CMD	0x2144
+#define ROP	0x2148
+#define CLR	0x2160
+#define SR1	0x2100
+#define SR2	0x2104
+#define DR1	0x2108
+#define DR2	0x210C
+#define REPL(x)	x = x | x<<16
+#define ROP_S	0xCC
+static void blade_init_accel(int pitch,int bpp)
+	int v1 = (pitch>>3)<<20;
+	int tmp = 0,v2;
+	switch (bpp) {
+		case 8:tmp = 0;break;
+		case 15:tmp = 5;break;
+		case 16:tmp = 1;break;
+		case 24:
+		case 32:tmp = 2;break;
+	}
+	v2 = v1 | (tmp<<29);
+	writemmr(0x21C0,v2);
+	writemmr(0x21C4,v2);
+	writemmr(0x21B8,v2);
+	writemmr(0x21BC,v2);
+	writemmr(0x21D0,v1);
+	writemmr(0x21D4,v1);
+	writemmr(0x21C8,v1);
+	writemmr(0x21CC,v1);
+	writemmr(0x216C,0);
+static void blade_wait_engine(void)
+	while(readmmr(STA) & 0xFA800000);
+static void blade_fill_rect(int x,int y,int w,int h,int c)
+	writemmr(CLR,c);
+	writemmr(ROP,ROP_S);
+	writemmr(CMD,0x20000000|1<<19|1<<4|2<<2);
+	writemmr(DR1,point(x,y));
+	writemmr(DR2,point(x+w-1,y+h-1));
+static void blade_copy_rect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int w,int h)
+	int s1,s2,d1,d2;
+	int direction = 2;
+	s1 = point(x1,y1);
+	s2 = point(x1+w-1,y1+h-1);
+	d1 = point(x2,y2);
+	d2 = point(x2+w-1,y2+h-1);
+	if ((y1 > y2) || ((y1 == y2) && (x1 >x2)))
+			direction = 0;
+	writemmr(ROP,ROP_S);
+	writemmr(CMD,0xE0000000|1<<19|1<<4|1<<2|direction);
+	writemmr(SR1,direction?s2:s1);
+	writemmr(SR2,direction?s1:s2);
+	writemmr(DR1,direction?d2:d1);
+	writemmr(DR2,direction?d1:d2);
+static struct accel_switch accel_blade = {
+	blade_init_accel,
+	blade_wait_engine,
+	blade_fill_rect,
+	blade_copy_rect,
+ * Image specific acceleration functions
+ */
+static void image_init_accel(int pitch,int bpp)
+	int tmp = 0;
+   	switch (bpp) {
+		case 8:tmp = 0;break;
+		case 15:tmp = 5;break;
+		case 16:tmp = 1;break;
+		case 24:
+		case 32:tmp = 2;break;
+	}
+	writemmr(0x2120, 0xF0000000);
+	writemmr(0x2120, 0x40000000|tmp);
+	writemmr(0x2120, 0x80000000);
+	writemmr(0x2144, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x2148, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x2150, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x2154, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x2120, 0x60000000 |(pitch<<16) |pitch);
+	writemmr(0x216C, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x2170, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x217C, 0x00000000);
+	writemmr(0x2120, 0x10000000);
+	writemmr(0x2130, (2047 << 16) | 2047);
+static void image_wait_engine(void)
+	while(readmmr(0x2164) & 0xF0000000);
+static void image_fill_rect(int x,int y,int w,int h,int c)
+	writemmr(0x2120,0x80000000);
+	writemmr(0x2120,0x90000000|ROP_S);
+	writemmr(0x2144,c);
+	writemmr(DR1,point(x,y));
+	writemmr(DR2,point(x+w-1,y+h-1));
+	writemmr(0x2124,0x80000000|3<<22|1<<10|1<<9);
+static void image_copy_rect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int w,int h)
+	int s1,s2,d1,d2;
+	int direction = 2;
+	s1 = point(x1,y1);
+	s2 = point(x1+w-1,y1+h-1);
+	d1 = point(x2,y2);
+	d2 = point(x2+w-1,y2+h-1);
+	if ((y1 > y2) || ((y1 == y2) && (x1 >x2)))
+			direction = 0;
+	writemmr(0x2120,0x80000000);
+	writemmr(0x2120,0x90000000|ROP_S);
+	writemmr(SR1,direction?s2:s1);
+	writemmr(SR2,direction?s1:s2);
+	writemmr(DR1,direction?d2:d1);
+	writemmr(DR2,direction?d1:d2);
+	writemmr(0x2124,0x80000000|1<<22|1<<10|1<<7|direction);
+static struct accel_switch accel_image = {
+	image_init_accel,
+	image_wait_engine,
+	image_fill_rect,
+	image_copy_rect,
+ * Accel functions called by the upper layers
+ */
+static void trident_bmove (struct display *p, int sy, int sx,
+				int dy, int dx, int height, int width)
+	sx *= fontwidth(p);
+	dx *= fontwidth(p);
+	width *= fontwidth(p);
+	sy *= fontheight(p);
+	dy *= fontheight(p);
+	height *= fontheight(p);
+	acc->copy_rect(sx,sy,dx,dy,width,height);
+	acc->wait_engine();
+static void trident_clear_helper (int c, struct display *p,
+				int sy, int sx, int height, int width)
+	sx *= fontwidth(p);
+	sy *= fontheight(p);
+	width *= fontwidth(p);
+	height *= fontheight(p);
+	acc->fill_rect(sx,sy,width,height,c);
+	acc->wait_engine();
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
+static void trident_8bpp_clear (struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
+				int sy, int sx, int height, int width)
+	int c;
+	c = attr_bgcol_ec(p,conp) & 0xFF;
+	c |= c<<8;
+	c |= c<<16;
+	trident_clear_helper(c,p,sy,sx,height,width);
+static struct display_switch trident_8bpp = {
+	setup:		fbcon_cfb8_setup,
+	bmove:		trident_bmove,
+	clear:		trident_8bpp_clear,
+	putc:		fbcon_cfb8_putc,
+	putcs:		fbcon_cfb8_putcs,
+	revc:		fbcon_cfb8_revc,
+	clear_margins:	fbcon_cfb8_clear_margins,
+	fontwidthmask:	FONTWIDTH (4) | FONTWIDTH (8) | FONTWIDTH (12) | FONTWIDTH (16)
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+static void trident_16bpp_clear (struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
+				int sy, int sx, int height, int width)
+	int c;
+	c = ((u16*)p->dispsw_data)[attr_bgcol_ec(p,conp)];
+	c = c | c<<16;
+	trident_clear_helper(c,p,sy,sx,height,width);
+static struct display_switch trident_16bpp = {
+	setup:		fbcon_cfb16_setup,
+	bmove:		trident_bmove,
+	clear:		trident_16bpp_clear,
+	putc:		fbcon_cfb16_putc,
+	putcs:		fbcon_cfb16_putcs,
+	revc:		fbcon_cfb16_revc,
+	clear_margins:	fbcon_cfb16_clear_margins,
+	fontwidthmask:	FONTWIDTH (4) | FONTWIDTH (8) | FONTWIDTH (12) | FONTWIDTH (16)
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+static void trident_32bpp_clear (struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
+				int sy, int sx, int height, int width)
+	int c;
+	c = ((u32*)p->dispsw_data)[attr_bgcol_ec(p,conp)];
+	trident_clear_helper(c,p,sy,sx,height,width);
+static struct display_switch trident_32bpp = {
+	setup:		fbcon_cfb32_setup,
+	bmove:		trident_bmove,
+	clear:		trident_32bpp_clear,
+	putc:		fbcon_cfb32_putc,
+	putcs:		fbcon_cfb32_putcs,
+	revc:		fbcon_cfb32_revc,
+	clear_margins:	fbcon_cfb32_clear_margins,
+	fontwidthmask:	FONTWIDTH (4) | FONTWIDTH (8) | FONTWIDTH (12) | FONTWIDTH (16)
+ * Hardware access functions
+ */
+static inline unsigned char read3X4(int reg)
+	writeb(reg, fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 4);
+	return readb(fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 5);
+static inline void write3X4(int reg, unsigned char val)
+	writeb(reg, fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 4);
+	writeb(val, fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 5);
+static inline unsigned char read3C4(int reg)
+	t_outb(reg, 0x3C4);
+	return t_inb(0x3C5);
+static inline void write3C4(int reg, unsigned char val)
+	t_outb(reg, 0x3C4);
+	t_outb(val, 0x3C5);
+static inline unsigned char read3CE(int reg)
+	t_outb(reg, 0x3CE);
+	return t_inb(0x3CF);
+static inline void writeAttr(int reg, unsigned char val)
+	readb(fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 0x0A);	//flip-flop to index
+	t_outb(reg, 0x3C0);
+	t_outb(val, 0x3C0);
+static inline unsigned char readAttr(int reg)
+	readb(fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 0x0A);	//flip-flop to index
+	t_outb(reg, 0x3C0);
+	return t_inb(0x3C1);
+static inline void write3CE(int reg, unsigned char val)
+	t_outb(reg, 0x3CE);
+	t_outb(val, 0x3CF);
+#define unprotect_all()	write3C4(Protection, 0x92);unprotect()
+#define unprotect()	write3C4(NewMode1,0xC2)
+#define bios_reg(reg) 	write3CE(BiosReg, reg)
+#define enable_mmio()	outb(PCIReg, 0x3D4); \
+			outb(inb(0x3D5) | 0x01, 0x3D5)
+#define crtc_unlock()	write3X4(CRTVSyncEnd, read3X4(CRTVSyncEnd) & 0x7F)
+/*  Return flat panel's maximum x resolution */
+static int __init get_nativex(void)
+	int x,y,tmp;
+	if (nativex)
+		return nativex;
+       	tmp = (read3CE(VertStretch) >> 4) & 3;
+	/* detection broken on XPAi ??? misdetects 1024 for 800 */
+	if (pci_id == CYBERBLADEXPAi1 && tmp == 3)
+		tmp = 2;
+	switch (tmp) {
+		case 0:x = 1280;y = 1024;break;
+		case 1:x = 640;y = 480;break;
+		case 2:x = 1024;y = 768;break;
+		default:x = 800;y = 600;break;
+	}
+	output("%dx%d flat panel found\n", x, y);
+	return x;
+/* Set pitch */
+static void set_lwidth(int width)
+	write3X4(Offset, width & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(AddColReg, (read3X4(AddColReg) & 0xCF) | ((width & 0x300) >>4));
+/* For resolutions smaller than FP resolution stretch */
+static void screen_stretch(void)
+	write3CE(VertStretch,(read3CE(VertStretch) & 0x7C) | 1);
+	write3CE(HorStretch,(read3CE(HorStretch) & 0x7C) | 1);
+/* For resolutions smaller than FP resolution center */
+static void screen_center(void)
+	bios_reg(0);		// no stretch
+	write3CE(VertStretch,(read3CE(VertStretch) & 0x7C) | 0x80);
+	write3CE(HorStretch,(read3CE(HorStretch) & 0x7C) | 0x80);
+/* Address of first shown pixel in display memory */
+static void set_screen_start(int base)
+	write3X4(StartAddrLow, base & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(StartAddrHigh, (base & 0xFF00) >>8);
+	write3X4(CRTCModuleTest, (read3X4(CRTCModuleTest) & 0xDF) | ((base & 0x10000) >>11));
+	write3X4(CRTHiOrd, (read3X4(CRTHiOrd) & 0xF8) | (base & 0xE0000) >> 17);
+#error "Floating point maths. This needs fixing before the driver is safe"
+#define calc_freq(n,m,k) ((NTSC * (n+8))/((m+2)*(1<<k)))
+/* Set dotclock frequency */
+static void set_vclk(int freq)
+	int m,n,k;
+	int f,fi,d,di;
+	unsigned char lo=0,hi=0;
+	d = 20;
+	for(k = 2;k>=0;k--)
+	for(m = 0;m<63;m++)
+	for(n = 0;n<128;n++) {
+		fi = calc_freq(n,m,k);
+		if ((di = abs(fi - freq)) < d) {
+			d = di;
+			f = fi;
+			lo = n;
+			hi = (k<<6) | m;
+		}
+	}
+	write3C4(ClockHigh,hi);
+	write3C4(ClockLow,lo);
+	debug("VCLK = %X %X\n",hi,lo);
+/* Set number of lines for flat panels*/
+static void set_number_of_lines(int lines)
+	int tmp = read3CE(CyberEnhance) & 0x8F;
+	if (lines > 768)
+		tmp |= 0x30;
+	else if (lines > 600)
+		tmp |= 0x20;
+	else if (lines > 480)
+		tmp |= 0x10;
+	write3CE(CyberEnhance, tmp);
+ * If we see that FP is active we assume we have one.
+ * Otherwise we have a CRT display.User can override.
+ */
+static unsigned int __init get_displaytype(void)
+	if (fp)
+		return DISPLAY_FP;
+	if (crt)
+		return DISPLAY_CRT;
+	return (read3CE(FPConfig) & 0x10)?DISPLAY_FP:DISPLAY_CRT;
+/* Try detecting the video memory size */
+static unsigned int __init get_memsize(void)
+	unsigned char tmp;
+	unsigned int k;
+	/* If memory size provided by user */
+	if (memsize)
+		k = memsize * Kb;
+	else
+	switch (pci_id) {
+		case CYBER9525DVD:k = 2560 * Kb;break;
+		case CYBERBLADEXPAi1:k = 16 * Mb;break;
+		case CYBERBLADEXPm16:k = 16 * Mb;break;
+		case CYBERBLADEXPm8:k = 8 * Mb;break;
+		default:
+			tmp = read3X4(SPR) & 0x0F;
+			switch (tmp) {
+				case 3:k = 1 * Mb;break;
+				case 7:k = 2 * Mb;break;
+				case 15:k = 4 * Mb;break;
+				case 4:k = 8 * Mb;break;
+				default:k = 1 * Mb;
+			}
+	}
+	k -= memdiff * Kb;
+	output("framebuffer size = %d Kb\n", k/Kb);
+	return k;
+/* Fill in fix */
+static int trident_encode_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix,
+				  const void *par,
+				  struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	struct tridentfb_par * p = (struct tridentfb_par *)par;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	memset(fix, 0, sizeof(struct fb_fix_screeninfo));
+	strcpy(fix->id,tridentfb_name);
+	fix->smem_start = i->fbmem;
+	fix->smem_len = i->memsize;
+	fix->type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
+	fix->type_aux = 0;
+	fix->xpanstep = fix->ywrapstep = 0;
+	fix->ypanstep = 1;
+	fix->line_length = p->linelength;
+	fix->mmio_start = 0;
+	fix->mmio_len = 0;
+	fix->accel = FB_ACCEL_NONE;
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Fill in par from var */
+static int trident_decode_var(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+				  void *par,
+				  struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	struct tridentfb_par * p = (struct tridentfb_par *)par;
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	int vres,vfront,vback,vsync;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	p->var = *var;
+	p->bpp = var->bits_per_pixel;
+	if (p->bpp == 24 )
+		p->bpp = 32;
+	p->linelength = var->xres_virtual * p->bpp/8;
+	switch (p->bpp) {
+		case 8:
+			p-> = 0;
+			p-> = 0;
+			p-> = 0;
+			p-> = 6;
+			p-> = 6;
+			p-> = 6;
+			break;
+		case 16:
+			p-> = 11;
+			p-> = 5;
+			p-> = 0;
+			p-> = 5;
+			p-> = 6;
+			p-> = 5;
+			break;
+		case 32:
+			p-> = 16;
+			p-> = 8;
+			p-> = 0;
+			p-> = 8;
+			p-> = 8;
+			p-> = 8;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* convert from picoseconds to MHz */
+	p->vclk = 1000000/var->pixclock;
+	if (p->bpp == 32)
+		p->vclk *=2;
+	p->hres = var->xres;
+	vres = p->vres = var->yres;
+	/* See if requested resolution is larger than flat panel */
+	if (p->hres > i->nativex && flatpanel) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* See if requested resolution fits in available memory */
+	if (p->hres * p->vres * p->bpp/8 > i->memsize) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	vfront = var->upper_margin;
+	vback =	var->lower_margin;
+	vsync =	var->vsync_len;
+	/* Compute horizontal and vertical VGA CRTC timing values */
+	if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) {
+		vres /= 2;
+		vfront /=2;
+		vback /=2;
+		vsync /=2;
+	}
+	if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_DOUBLE) {
+		vres *= 2;
+		vfront *=2;
+		vback *=2;
+		vsync *=2;
+	}
+	p->htotal = (p->hres + var->left_margin + var->right_margin + var->hsync_len)/8 - 10;
+	p->hdispend = p->hres/8 - 1;
+	p->hsyncstart = (p->hres + var->right_margin)/8;
+	p->hsyncend = var->hsync_len/8;
+	p->hblankstart = p->hdispend + 1;
+	p->hblankend = p->htotal + 5;
+	p->vtotal = vres + vfront + vback + vsync - 2;
+	p->vdispend = vres - 1;
+	p->vsyncstart = vres + vback;
+	p->vsyncend = vsync;
+	p->vblankstart = vres;
+	p->vblankend = p->vtotal + 2;
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Fill in var from info */
+static int trident_encode_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+				  const void *par,
+				  struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	struct tridentfb_par * p = (struct tridentfb_par *)par;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	*var = p->var;
+	var->bits_per_pixel = p->bpp;
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Fill in par from hardware */
+static void trident_get_par(void *par, struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	struct tridentfb_par * p = (struct tridentfb_par *)par;
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	*p = i->currentmode;
+	debug("exit\n");
+/* Pan the display */
+static int trident_pan_display(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+				   struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	unsigned int offset;
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	offset = (var->xoffset + (var->yoffset * var->xres))
+			* var->bits_per_pixel/32;
+	i->currentmode.var.xoffset = var->xoffset;
+	i->currentmode.var.yoffset = var->yoffset;
+	set_screen_start(offset);
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Set the hardware from par */
+static void trident_set_par(const void *par, struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	struct tridentfb_par * p = (struct tridentfb_par *)par;
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	unsigned char tmp;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	i->currentmode = *p;
+	unprotect_all();
+	crtc_unlock();
+	enable_mmio();
+	write3CE(CyberControl,8);
+	if (flatpanel && p->hres < i->nativex) {
+		/*
+		 * on flat panels with native size larger
+		 * than requested resolution decide whether
+		 * we stretch or center
+		 */
+		t_outb(0xEB,0x3C2);
+		write3CE(CyberControl,0x81);
+		if (center) //|| (p->bpp==32 && pci_id == CYBERBLADEi1D))
+			screen_center();
+		else if (stretch)
+			screen_stretch();
+	} else {
+		t_outb(0x2B,0x3C2);
+		write3CE(CyberControl,8);
+	}
+	/* vertical timing values */
+	write3X4(CRTVTotal, p->vtotal & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTVDispEnd, p->vdispend & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTVSyncStart, p->vsyncstart & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTVSyncEnd, (p->vsyncend & 0x0F));
+	write3X4(CRTVBlankStart, p->vblankstart & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTVBlankEnd, 0/*p->vblankend & 0xFF*/);
+	/* horizontal timing values */
+	write3X4(CRTHTotal, p->htotal & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTHDispEnd, p->hdispend & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTHSyncStart, p->hsyncstart & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTHSyncEnd, (p->hsyncend & 0x1F) | ((p->hblankend & 0x20)<<2));
+	write3X4(CRTHBlankStart, p->hblankstart & 0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTHBlankEnd, 0/*(p->hblankend & 0x1F)*/);
+	/* higher bits of vertical timing values */
+	tmp = 0x10;
+	if (p->vtotal & 0x100) tmp |= 0x01;
+	if (p->vdispend & 0x100) tmp |= 0x02;
+	if (p->vsyncstart & 0x100) tmp |= 0x04;
+	if (p->vblankstart & 0x100) tmp |= 0x08;
+	if (p->vtotal & 0x200) tmp |= 0x20;
+	if (p->vdispend & 0x200) tmp |= 0x40;
+	if (p->vsyncstart & 0x200) tmp |= 0x80;
+	write3X4(CRTOverflow, tmp);
+	tmp = read3X4(CRTHiOrd) | 0x08;	//line compare bit 10
+	if (p->vtotal & 0x400) tmp |= 0x80;
+	if (p->vblankstart & 0x400) tmp |= 0x40;
+	if (p->vsyncstart & 0x400) tmp |= 0x20;
+	if (p->vdispend & 0x400) tmp |= 0x10;
+	write3X4(CRTHiOrd, tmp);
+	write3X4(HorizOverflow, 0);
+	tmp = 0x40;
+	if (p->vblankstart & 0x200) tmp |= 0x20;
+	if (p->var.vmode & FB_VMODE_DOUBLE) tmp |= 0x80;  //double scan for 200 line modes
+	write3X4(CRTMaxScanLine, tmp);
+	write3X4(CRTLineCompare,0xFF);
+	write3X4(CRTPRowScan,0);
+	write3X4(CRTModeControl,0xC3);
+	write3X4(LinearAddReg,0x20);	//enable linear addressing
+	tmp = (p->var.vmode & FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) ? 0x84:0x80;
+	write3X4(CRTCModuleTest,tmp);	//enable access extended memory
+	write3X4(GraphEngReg, 0x80);	//enable GE for text acceleration
+	if (p->var.accel_flags & FB_ACCELF_TEXT)
+		acc->init_accel(p->hres,p->bpp);
+	switch (p->bpp) {
+		case 8:tmp=0;break;
+		case 16:tmp=5;break;
+		case 24:
+			/* tmp=0x29;break; */
+			/* seems like 24bpp is same as 32bpp when using vesafb */
+		case 32:tmp=9;break;
+	}
+	write3X4(PixelBusReg, tmp);
+	write3X4(InterfaceSel, 0x5B);	//32bit internal data path
+	write3X4(DRAMControl, 0x30);	//both IO,linear enable
+	write3X4(Performance, 0xBF);
+	write3X4(PCIReg,0x07);		//MMIO & PCI read and write burst enable
+	set_vclk(p->vclk);
+	write3C4(0,3);
+	write3C4(1,1);		//set char clock 8 dots wide
+	write3C4(2,0x0F);	//enable 4 maps because needed in chain4 mode
+	write3C4(3,0);
+	write3C4(4,0x0E);	//memory mode enable bitmaps ??
+	write3CE(MiscExtFunc,(p->bpp==32)?0x1A:0x12);	//divide clock by 2 if 32bpp
+							//chain4 mode display and CPU path
+	write3CE(0x5,0x40);	//no CGA compat,allow 256 col
+	write3CE(0x6,0x05);	//graphics mode
+	write3CE(0x7,0x0F);	//planes?
+	writeAttr(0x10,0x41);	//graphics mode and support 256 color modes
+	writeAttr(0x12,0x0F);	//planes
+	writeAttr(0x13,0);	//horizontal pel panning
+	//colors
+	for(tmp = 0;tmp < 0x10;tmp++)
+		writeAttr(tmp,tmp);
+	readb(fb_info.io_virt + CRT + 0x0A);	//flip-flop to index
+	t_outb(0x20, 0x3C0);			//enable attr
+	switch (p->bpp) {
+		case 8:	tmp = 0;break;		//256 colors
+		case 15: tmp = 0x10;break;
+		case 16: tmp = 0x30;break;	//hicolor
+		case 24: 			//truecolor
+		case 32: tmp = 0xD0;break;
+	}
+	t_inb(0x3C8);
+	t_inb(0x3C6);
+	t_inb(0x3C6);
+	t_inb(0x3C6);
+	t_inb(0x3C6);
+	t_outb(tmp,0x3C6);
+	t_inb(0x3C8);
+	if (flatpanel)
+		set_number_of_lines(p->vres);
+	set_lwidth(p->hres*p->bpp/(4*16));
+	trident_pan_display(&p->var,info);
+	debug("exit\n");
+/* Get value of one color register */
+static int trident_getcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned *red,
+				 unsigned *green, unsigned *blue,
+				 unsigned *transp, struct fb_info *info)
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	int m = i->currentmode.bpp==8?256:16;
+	debug("enter %d\n",regno);
+	if (regno >= m)
+		return 1;
+	*red = palette[regno].red;
+	*green = palette[regno].green;
+	*blue = palette[regno].blue;
+	*transp = palette[regno].transp;
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Set one color register */
+static int trident_setcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
+				 unsigned blue, unsigned transp,
+				 struct fb_info *info)
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	int bpp = i->currentmode.bpp;
+	int m = bpp==8?256:16;
+	debug("enter %d\n",regno);
+	if (regno >= m)
+		return 1;
+	palette[regno].red = red;
+	palette[regno].green = green;
+	palette[regno].blue = blue;
+	palette[regno].transp = transp;
+	if (bpp==8) {
+		t_outb(0xFF,0x3C6);
+		t_outb(regno,0x3C8);
+		t_outb(red>>10,0x3C9);
+		t_outb(green>>10,0x3C9);
+		t_outb(blue>>10,0x3C9);
+	} else
+	if (bpp == 16) 			/* RGB 565 */
+			((u16*)info->pseudo_palette)[regno] = (red & 0xF800) |
+			((green & 0xFC00) >> 5) | ((blue & 0xF800) >> 11);
+	else
+	if (bpp == 32)		/* ARGB 8888 */
+		((u32*)info->pseudo_palette)[regno] =
+			((transp & 0xFF00) <<16) 	|
+			((red & 0xFF00) << 8) 		|
+			((green & 0xFF00))		|
+			((blue & 0xFF00)>>8);
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Try blanking the screen.For flat panels it does nothing */
+static int trident_blank(int blank_mode, struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	unsigned char PMCont,DPMSCont;
+	debug("enter\n");
+	if (flatpanel)
+		return 0;
+	t_outb(0x04,0x83C8); /* Read DPMS Control */
+	PMCont = t_inb(0x83C6) & 0xFC;
+	DPMSCont = read3CE(PowerStatus) & 0xFC;
+	switch (blank_mode)
+	{
+		/* Screen: On, HSync: On, VSync: On */
+		PMCont |= 0x03;
+		DPMSCont |= 0x00;
+		break;
+		/* Screen: Off, HSync: Off, VSync: On */
+		PMCont |= 0x02;
+		DPMSCont |= 0x01;
+		break;
+		/* Screen: Off, HSync: On, VSync: Off */
+		PMCont |= 0x02;
+		DPMSCont |= 0x02;
+		break;
+		/* Screen: Off, HSync: Off, VSync: Off */
+		PMCont |= 0x00;
+		DPMSCont |= 0x03;
+		break;
+    	}
+	write3CE(PowerStatus,DPMSCont);
+    	t_outb(4,0x83C8);
+    	t_outb(PMCont,0x83C6);
+	debug("exit\n");
+	return 0;
+/* Set display switch used by console */
+static void trident_set_disp(const void *par, struct display *disp,
+				 struct fb_info_gen *info)
+	struct tridentfb_info * i = (struct tridentfb_info *)info;
+	struct fb_info * ii = (struct fb_info *)info;
+	struct tridentfb_par * p = (struct tridentfb_par *)par;
+	int isaccel = p->var.accel_flags & FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+	disp->screen_base = (char *)i->fbmem_virt;
+	debug("enter\n");
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
+	if (p->bpp == 8 ) {
+		if (isaccel)
+			disp->dispsw = &trident_8bpp;
+		else
+			disp->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb8;
+	} else
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+	if (p->bpp == 16) {
+		if (isaccel)
+			disp->dispsw = &trident_16bpp;
+		else
+			disp->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb16;
+		disp->dispsw_data =ii->pseudo_palette;	/* console palette */
+	} else
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+	if (p->bpp == 32) {
+		if (isaccel)
+			disp->dispsw = &trident_32bpp;
+		else
+			disp->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb32;
+		disp->dispsw_data =ii->pseudo_palette;	/* console palette */
+	} else
+	disp->dispsw = &fbcon_dummy;
+	debug("exit\n");
+static struct fbgen_hwswitch trident_hwswitch = {
+	NULL, /* detect not needed */
+	trident_encode_fix,
+	trident_decode_var,
+	trident_encode_var,
+	trident_get_par,
+	trident_set_par,
+	trident_getcolreg,
+	trident_setcolreg,
+	trident_pan_display,
+	trident_blank,
+	trident_set_disp
+/* List of boards that we are trying to support */
+static struct almost_supported_board {
+	int pci_id;
+	int family;
+	struct accel_switch * acc;
+	char* board_name;
+	int accel;
+} asb[] __initdata = {
+	{ BLADE3D,		BLADE,	&accel_blade, "Blade3D",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEi7,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladei7",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEi7D,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladei7D",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEi1,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladei1",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEi1D,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladei1D",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEAi1,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladeAi1",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEAi1D,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladeAi1D",	ACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEE4,	BLADE,	&accel_blade, "CyberBladeE4",	ACCEL	},
+	{ IMAGE975,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"IMAGE975",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ IMAGE985,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"IMAGE985",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBER9320,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"Cyber9320",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBER9388,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"Cyber9388",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBER9520,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"Cyber9520",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBER9525DVD,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"Cyber9525DVD",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBER9397,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"Cyber9397",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBER9397DVD,	IMAGE,	&accel_image,	"Cyber9397DVD",	NOACCEL	},
+	{ CYBERBLADEXPAi1,	XP,	&accel_blade,	"CyberBladeXPAi1",	NOACCEL },
+	{ CYBERBLADEXPm8,	XP,	&accel_blade,	"CyberBladeXPm8",	NOACCEL },
+	{ CYBERBLADEXPm16,	XP,	&accel_blade,	"CyberBladeXPm16",	NOACCEL },
+static __init int trident_find_board(void)
+	int i;
+	struct pci_dev * board;
+	for (i = 0;i < ARRAY_SIZE(asb);i++) {
+      		if ((board = pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_TRIDENT,
+				   asb[i].pci_id,
+				   NULL))) {
+	 		family = asb[i].family;
+	 		acc = asb[i].acc;
+	 		pci_id = asb[i].pci_id;
+	 		defaultaccel = asb[i].accel;
+ = pci_resource_start(board,1);
+			fb_info.fbmem = pci_resource_start(board,0);
+	 		output("%s board found\n", asb[i].board_name);
+	 		return 1;
+      		}
+   	}
+	output("No Trident board found\n");
+	return 0;
+int __init tridentfb_init(void)
+	output("Trident framebuffer  %s initializing\n", VERSION);
+	if (!trident_find_board())
+     		return -1;
+	if (!request_mem_region(, TRIDENT_IOSIZE, "tridentfb")) {
+		debug("request_region failed!\n");
+		return -1;
+	};
+	fb_info.io_virt = (unsigned int)ioremap_nocache(, TRIDENT_IOSIZE);
+	if (!fb_info.io_virt) {
+		release_region(, TRIDENT_IOSIZE);
+		debug("ioremap failed\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	fb_info.memsize = get_memsize();
+	if (!request_mem_region(fb_info.fbmem, fb_info.memsize, "tridentfb")) {
+		debug("request_mem_region failed!\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	fb_info.fbmem_virt = (unsigned int)ioremap_nocache(fb_info.fbmem, fb_info.memsize);
+	if (!fb_info.fbmem_virt) {
+		release_mem_region(fb_info.fbmem, fb_info.memsize);
+		debug("ioremap failed\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	debug("Trident board found : mem = %X,io = %X, mem_v = %X, io_v = %X\n",
+		fb_info.fbmem,, fb_info.fbmem_virt, fb_info.io_virt);
+	fb_info.gen.parsize = sizeof (struct tridentfb_par);
+	fb_info.gen.fbhw = &trident_hwswitch;
+	strcpy(, tridentfb_name);
+	displaytype = get_displaytype();
+	if(flatpanel)
+		fb_info.nativex = get_nativex();
+ = NULL;
+ = NODEV;
+ = &tridentfb_ops;
+ = &disp;
+ = &fbgen_switch;
+ = &fbgen_update_var;
+ = &fbgen_blank;
+[0] = '\0';
+ = pseudo_pal;
+	/* This should give a reasonable default video mode */
+	fb_find_mode(&default_var,&,mode,NULL,0,NULL,bpp);
+	/*
+	 * Unless user explicitly requires accel/noaccel use
+	 * per chip defaults.Accel has priority over noaccel.
+	 */
+	if (accel)
+		defaultaccel = ACCEL;
+	else if (noaccel)
+		defaultaccel = NOACCEL;
+	if (defaultaccel == ACCEL)
+		default_var.accel_flags |= FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+	else
+		default_var.accel_flags &= ~FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+	trident_decode_var(&default_var, &fb_info.currentmode, &fb_info.gen);
+	fbgen_get_var(&disp.var, -1, &;
+	default_var.activate |= FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
+	fbgen_set_disp(-1, &fb_info.gen);
+	if (register_framebuffer(& < 0) {
+		printk("Could not register Trident framebuffer\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	output("fb%d: %s frame buffer device %dx%d-%dbpp\n",
+	   GET_FB_IDX(,,default_var.xres,
+	   default_var.yres,default_var.bits_per_pixel);
+	return 0;
+void __exit tridentfb_exit(void)
+	unregister_framebuffer(&;
+	iounmap((void *)fb_info.io_virt);
+	iounmap((void *)fb_info.fbmem_virt);
+ * Parse user specified options (`video=trident:')
+ * example:
+ * 	video=trident:800x600,bpp=16,noaccel
+ */
+int tridentfb_setup(char *options)
+	char * opt;
+	if (!options || !*options)
+		return 0;
+	for(opt = strtok(options,",");opt;opt = strtok(NULL,",")){
+		if (!opt) continue;
+		if (!strncmp(opt,"noaccel",7))
+			noaccel = 1;
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"accel",5))
+			accel = 1;
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"fp",2))
+			displaytype = DISPLAY_FP;
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"crt",3))
+			displaytype = DISPLAY_CRT;
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"bpp=",4))
+			bpp = simple_strtoul(opt+4,NULL,0);
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"center",6))
+			center = 1;
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"stretch",7))
+			stretch = 1;
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"memsize=",8))
+			memsize = simple_strtoul(opt+8,NULL,0);
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"memdiff=",8))
+			memdiff = simple_strtoul(opt+8,NULL,0);
+		else if (!strncmp(opt,"nativex=",8))
+			nativex = simple_strtoul(opt+8,NULL,0);
+		else
+			mode = opt;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static struct fb_ops tridentfb_ops = {
+	fb_get_fix:fbgen_get_fix,
+	fb_get_var:fbgen_get_var,
+	fb_set_var:fbgen_set_var,
+	fb_get_cmap:fbgen_get_cmap,
+	fb_set_cmap:fbgen_set_cmap,
+	fb_pan_display:fbgen_pan_display,
+#ifdef MODULE
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Jani Monoses <>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Framebuffer driver for Trident cards");

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: