patch-1.3.94 linux/include/asm-m68k/amigahw.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.93/linux/include/asm-m68k/amigahw.h linux/include/asm-m68k/amigahw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+** asm-m68k/amigahw.h -- This header defines some macros and pointers for
+**                    the various Amiga custom hardware registers.
+**                    The naming conventions used here conform to those
+**                    used in the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual, 3rd Edition
+** Copyright 1992 by Greg Harp
+** This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
+** License.  See the file in the main directory of this archive
+** for more details.
+** Created: 9/24/92 by Greg Harp
+#ifndef _ASMm68k_AMIGAHW_H_
+#define _ASMm68k_AMIGAHW_H_
+struct CUSTOM {
+    u_short bltddat;
+    u_short dmaconr;
+    u_short vposr;
+    u_short vhposr;
+    u_short dskdatr;
+    u_short joy0dat;
+    u_short joy1dat;
+    u_short clxdat;
+    u_short adkconr;
+    u_short pot0dat;
+    u_short pot1dat;
+    u_short potgor;
+    u_short serdatr;
+    u_short dskbytr;
+    u_short intenar;
+    u_short intreqr;
+    u_char  *dskptr;
+    u_short dsklen;
+    u_short dskdat;
+    u_short refptr;
+    u_short vposw;
+    u_short vhposw;
+    u_short copcon;
+    u_short serdat;
+    u_short serper;
+    u_short potgo;
+    u_short joytest;
+    u_short strequ;
+    u_short strvbl;
+    u_short strhor;
+    u_short strlong;
+    u_short bltcon0;
+    u_short bltcon1;
+    u_short bltafwm;
+    u_short bltalwm;
+    u_char  *bltcpt;
+    u_char  *bltbpt;
+    u_char  *bltapt;
+    u_char  *bltdpt;
+    u_short bltsize;
+    u_char  pad2d;
+    u_char  bltcon0l;
+    u_short bltsizv;
+    u_short bltsizh;
+    u_short bltcmod;
+    u_short bltbmod;
+    u_short bltamod;
+    u_short bltdmod;
+    u_short spare2[4];
+    u_short bltcdat;
+    u_short bltbdat;
+    u_short bltadat;
+    u_short spare3[3];
+    u_short deniseid;
+    u_short dsksync;
+    u_short *cop1lc;
+    u_short *cop2lc;
+    u_short copjmp1;
+    u_short copjmp2;
+    u_short copins;
+    u_short diwstrt;
+    u_short diwstop;
+    u_short ddfstrt;
+    u_short ddfstop;
+    u_short dmacon;
+    u_short clxcon;
+    u_short intena;
+    u_short intreq;
+    u_short adkcon;
+    struct {
+	u_short	*audlc;
+	u_short audlen;
+	u_short audper;
+	u_short audvol;
+	u_short auddat;
+	u_short audspare[2];
+    } aud[4];
+    u_char  *bplpt[8];
+    u_short bplcon0;
+    u_short bplcon1;
+    u_short bplcon2;
+    u_short bplcon3;
+    u_short bpl1mod;
+    u_short bpl2mod;
+    u_short bplcon4;
+    u_short clxcon2;
+    u_short bpldat[8];
+    u_char  *sprpt[8];
+    struct {
+	u_short pos;
+	u_short ctl;
+	u_short dataa;
+	u_short datab;
+    } spr[8];
+    u_short color[32];
+    u_short htotal;
+    u_short hsstop;
+    u_short hbstrt;
+    u_short hbstop;
+    u_short vtotal;
+    u_short vsstop;
+    u_short vbstrt;
+    u_short vbstop;
+    u_short sprhstrt;
+    u_short sprhstop;
+    u_short bplhstrt;
+    u_short bplhstop;
+    u_short hhposw;
+    u_short hhposr;
+    u_short beamcon0;
+    u_short hsstrt;
+    u_short vsstrt;
+    u_short hcenter;
+    u_short diwhigh;
+    u_short spare4[11];
+    u_short fmode;
+ * DMA register bits
+ */
+#define DMAF_SETCLR		(0x8000)
+#define DMAF_AUD0		(0x0001)
+#define DMAF_AUD1		(0x0002)
+#define DMAF_AUD2		(0x0004)
+#define DMAF_AUD3		(0x0008)
+#define DMAF_DISK		(0x0010)
+#define DMAF_SPRITE		(0x0020)
+#define DMAF_BLITTER		(0x0040)
+#define DMAF_COPPER		(0x0080)
+#define DMAF_RASTER		(0x0100)
+#define DMAF_MASTER		(0x0200)
+#define DMAF_BLITHOG		(0x0400)
+#define DMAF_BLTNZERO		(0x2000)
+#define DMAF_BLTDONE		(0x4000)
+#define DMAF_ALL		(0x01FF)
+struct CIA {
+    u_char pra; 		char pad0[0xff];
+    u_char prb; 		char pad1[0xff];
+    u_char ddra;		char pad2[0xff];
+    u_char ddrb;		char pad3[0xff];
+    u_char talo;		char pad4[0xff];
+    u_char tahi;		char pad5[0xff];
+    u_char tblo;		char pad6[0xff];
+    u_char tbhi;		char pad7[0xff];
+    u_char todlo;		char pad8[0xff];
+    u_char todmid;		char pad9[0xff];
+    u_char todhi;		char pada[0x1ff];
+    u_char sdr; 		char padb[0xff];
+    u_char icr; 		char padc[0xff];
+    u_char cra; 		char padd[0xff];
+    u_char crb; 		char pade[0xff];
+#if 1
+#define zTwoBase (0x80000000)
+#define ZTWO_PADDR(x) (((unsigned long)(x))-zTwoBase)
+#define ZTWO_VADDR(x) (((unsigned long)(x))+zTwoBase)
+#define zTwoBase 0
+#define ZTWO_PADDR(x) (x)
+#define ZTWO_VADDR(x) (x)
+#define CUSTOM_PHYSADDR     (0xdff000)
+#define custom ((*(volatile struct CUSTOM *)(zTwoBase+CUSTOM_PHYSADDR)))
+#define CIAA_PHYSADDR	  (0xbfe001)
+#define CIAB_PHYSADDR	  (0xbfd000)
+#define ciaa   ((*(volatile struct CIA *)(zTwoBase + CIAA_PHYSADDR)))
+#define ciab   ((*(volatile struct CIA *)(zTwoBase + CIAB_PHYSADDR)))
+#define CHIP_PHYSADDR	    (0x000000)
+#define chipaddr ((unsigned long)(zTwoBase + CHIP_PHYSADDR))
+void amiga_chip_init (void);
+void *amiga_chip_alloc (long size);
+void amiga_chip_free (void *);
+struct tod3000 {
+  unsigned int  :28, second2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, second1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, minute2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, minute1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, hour2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, hour1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, weekday:4;
+  unsigned int  :28, day2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, day1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, month2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, month1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, year2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, year1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, cntrl1:4;	/* control-byte 1 */
+  unsigned int  :28, cntrl2:4;	/* control-byte 2 */  
+  unsigned int  :28, cntrl3:4;	/* control-byte 3 */
+#define TOD3000_CNTRL1_HOLD	0
+#define TOD3000_CNTRL1_FREE	9
+#define TOD_3000 ((struct tod3000 *)(zTwoBase+0xDC0000))
+struct tod2000 {
+  unsigned int  :28, second2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, second1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, minute2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, minute1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, hour2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, hour1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, day2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, day1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, month2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, month1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, year2:4;	/* lower digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, year1:4;	/* upper digit */
+  unsigned int  :28, weekday:4;
+  unsigned int  :28, cntrl1:4;	/* control-byte 1 */
+  unsigned int  :28, cntrl2:4;	/* control-byte 2 */  
+  unsigned int  :28, cntrl3:4;	/* control-byte 3 */
+#define TOD2000_CNTRL1_HOLD	(1<<0)
+#define TOD2000_CNTRL1_BUSY	(1<<1)
+#define TOD2000_CNTRL3_24HMODE	(1<<2)
+#define TOD2000_HOUR1_PM	(1<<2)
+#define TOD_2000 ((struct tod2000 *)(zTwoBase+0xDC0000))
+#endif /* asm-m68k/amigahw.h */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this