patch-2.1.48 linux/arch/m68k/boot/atari/bootp.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.47/linux/arch/m68k/boot/atari/bootp.c linux/arch/m68k/boot/atari/bootp.c
@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "bootp.h"
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*						  Protocol Header Structures					 */
-struct etherhdr {
-	HWADDR			dst_addr;
-	HWADDR			src_addr;
-	unsigned short	type;
-struct arphdr {
-	unsigned short	hrd;		/* format of hardware address	*/
-	unsigned short	pro;		/* format of protocol address	*/
-	unsigned char	hln;		/* length of hardware address	*/
-	unsigned char	pln;		/* length of protocol address	*/
-	unsigned short	op;			/* ARP opcode (command)			*/
-	unsigned char	addr[0];	/* addresses (var len)			*/
-struct iphdr {
-	unsigned char	version : 4;
-	unsigned char	ihl : 4;
-	unsigned char	tos;
-	unsigned short	tot_len;
-	unsigned short	id;
-	unsigned short	frag_off;
-	unsigned char	ttl;
-	unsigned char	protocol;
-	unsigned short	chksum;
-	IPADDR			src_addr;
-	IPADDR			dst_addr;
-struct udphdr {
-	unsigned short	src_port;
-	unsigned short	dst_port;
-	unsigned short	len;
-	unsigned short	chksum;
-struct bootp {
-	unsigned char	op;			/* packet opcode type */
-	unsigned char	htype;		/* hardware addr type */
-	unsigned char	hlen;		/* hardware addr length */
-	unsigned char	hops;		/* gateway hops */
-	unsigned long	xid;		/* transaction ID */
-	unsigned short	secs;		/* seconds since boot began */
-	unsigned short	unused;
-	IPADDR			ciaddr;		/* client IP address */
-	IPADDR			yiaddr;		/* 'your' IP address */
-	IPADDR			siaddr;		/* server IP address */
-	IPADDR			giaddr; 	/* gateway IP address */
-	unsigned char	chaddr[16];	/* client hardware address */
-	unsigned char	sname[64];	/* server host name */
-	unsigned char	file[128];	/* boot file name */
-	unsigned char	vend[64];	/* vendor-specific area */
-struct tftp_req {
-	unsigned short	opcode;
-	char			name[512];
-struct tftp_data {
-	unsigned short	opcode;
-	unsigned short	nr;
-	unsigned char	data[512];
-struct tftp_ack {
-	unsigned short	opcode;
-	unsigned short	nr;
-struct tftp_error {
-	unsigned short	opcode;
-	unsigned short	errcode;
-	char			str[512];
-typedef struct {
-	struct etherhdr		ether;
-	struct arphdr		arp;
-} ARP;
-typedef struct {
-	struct etherhdr		ether;
-	struct iphdr		ip;
-	struct udphdr		udp;
-} UDP;
-#define	UDP_BOOTPS	67
-#define	UDP_BOOTPC	68
-#define	UDP_TFTP	69
-typedef struct {
-	struct etherhdr		ether;
-	struct iphdr		ip;
-	struct udphdr		udp;
-	struct bootp		bootp;
-#define	BOOTREQUEST		1
-#define	BOOTREPLY		2
-#define	BOOTP_RETRYS	5
-typedef struct {
-	struct etherhdr		ether;
-	struct iphdr		ip;
-	struct udphdr		udp;
-	union tftp {
-		unsigned short		opcode;
-		struct tftp_req		req;
-		struct tftp_data	data;
-		struct tftp_ack		ack;
-		struct tftp_error	error;
-	} tftp;
-} TFTP;
-#define	TFTP_RRQ	1
-#define	TFTP_WRQ	2
-#define	TFTP_DATA	3
-#define	TFTP_ACK	4
-#define	TFTP_ERROR	5
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*								  Addresses								 */
-static HWADDR	MyHwaddr;
-static HWADDR	ServerHwaddr;
-static IPADDR	MyIPaddr;
-static IPADDR	ServerIPaddr;
-static IPADDR	IP_Unknown_Addr =   0x00000000;
-static IPADDR	IP_Broadcast_Addr = 0xffffffff;
-static HWADDR 	Eth_Broadcast_Addr = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
-#define	HZ	200
-#define	_hz_200	(*(volatile unsigned long *)0x4ba)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*								Error Strings							 */
-static char *ErrStr[] = {
-	"timeout",
-	"general Ethernet transmit error",
-	"general Ethernet receive error",
-	"Ethernet framing error",
-	"Ethernet overflow error",
-	"Ethernet CRC error"
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*						 Kfile Emulation Definitions					 */
-#define	KFILE_CHUNK_BITS	16  /* chunk is 64 KB */
-#define	KFILE_N_CHUNKS		(2*1024*1024/KFILE_CHUNK_SIZE)
-char *KFile[KFILE_N_CHUNKS];
-int  KFileSize = 0;
-int	 KFpos = 0;
-/***************************** Prototypes *****************************/
-static void free_kfile( void );
-static int bootp( char *image_name );
-static int tftp( char *image_name );
-static int udp_send( UDP *pkt, int len, int fromport, int toport );
-static unsigned short ip_checksum( struct iphdr *buf );
-static int udp_rcv( UDP *pkt, int *len, int fromport, int atport );
-static void print_ip( IPADDR addr );
-static void print_hw( HWADDR addr );
-static int check_ethif( void );
-static int eth_send( Packet *pkt, int len );
-static int eth_rcv( Packet *pkt, int *len );
-/************************* End of Prototypes **************************/
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*						   Interface to bootstrap.c						 */
-/* get_remote_kernel():
- * Perform all necessary steps to get the kernel image
- * from the boot server. If successfull (retval == 0), subsequent calls to
- * kread() can access the data. Fatal errors (i.e., retrying is useless)
- * return -2, others -1.
- */
-int get_remote_kernel( const char *kname /* optional */ )
-{	char	image_name[256];
-	int		rv;
-	/* Check if a Ethernet interface is present and determine the Ethernet
-	 * address */
-	if (check_ethif() < 0) {
-		printf( "No Ethernet interface found -- no remote boot possible.\n" );
-		return( -2 );
-	}
-	/* Do a BOOTP request to find out our IP address and the kernel image's
-	 * name; we also learn the IP and Ethernet address of our server */
-	if (kname)
-		strcpy( image_name, kname );
-	else
-		*image_name = 0;
-	if ((rv = bootp( image_name )) < 0)
-		return( rv );
-	/* Now start a TFTP connection to receive the kernel image */
-	if ((rv = tftp( image_name )) < 0)
-		return( rv );
-	return( 0 );
-/* ll_read(), ll_lseek(), ll_close():
- * Functions for accessing the received kernel image like with read(),
- * lseek(), close().
- */
-int ll_read( int fd, void *buf, unsigned cnt )
-{	unsigned done = 0;
-	if (!KFileSize)
-		return( read( fd, buf, cnt ) );
-	if (KFpos + cnt > KFileSize)
-		cnt = KFileSize - KFpos;
-	while( cnt > 0 ) {
-		unsigned chunk = KFpos >> KFILE_CHUNK_BITS;
-		unsigned endchunk = (chunk+1) << KFILE_CHUNK_BITS;
-		unsigned n = cnt;
-		if (KFpos + n > endchunk)
-			n = endchunk - KFpos;
-		memcpy( buf, KFile[chunk] + (KFpos & KFILE_CHUNK_MASK), n );
-		cnt -= n;
-		buf += n;
-		done += n;
-		KFpos += n;
-		if (KFpos == endchunk) {
-			free( KFile[chunk] );
-			KFile[chunk] = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	return( done );
-int ll_lseek( int fd, int where, int whence )
-    unsigned oldpos, oldchunk, newchunk;
-	if (!KFileSize)
-		return( lseek( fd, where, whence ) );
-    oldpos = KFpos;
-	switch( whence ) {
-	  case SEEK_SET:
-		KFpos = where;
-		break;
-	  case SEEK_CUR:
-		KFpos += where;
-		break;
-	  case SEEK_END:
-		KFpos = KFileSize + where;
-		break;
-	  default:
-		return( -1 );
-	}
-	if (KFpos < 0) {
-		KFpos = 0;
-		return( -1 );
-	}
-	else if (KFpos > KFileSize) {
-		KFpos = KFileSize;
-		return( -1 );
-	}
-    /* free memory of skipped-over data */
-    oldchunk = oldpos >> KFILE_CHUNK_BITS;
-    newchunk = KFpos  >> KFILE_CHUNK_BITS;
-    while( oldchunk < newchunk ) {
-		if (KFile[oldchunk]) {
-			free( KFile[oldchunk] );
-			KFile[oldchunk] = NULL;
-		}
-		++oldchunk;
-    }
-	return( KFpos );
-int ll_close( int fd )
-	if (!KFileSize)
-		return( close( fd ) );
-	free_kfile();
-	return( 0 );
-static void free_kfile( void )
-{	int		i;
-	for( i = 0; i < KFILE_N_CHUNKS; ++i )
-		if (KFile[i]) free( KFile[i] );
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*							   BOOTP Procedure							 */
-static int bootp( char *image_name )
-{	BOOTP	req;
-	Packet	_reply;
-	BOOTP	*reply = (BOOTP *)_reply;
-	static unsigned char mincookie[] = { 99, 130, 83, 99, 255 };
-	unsigned long 	starttime, rancopy;
-	int				err, len, retry;
-	memset( (char *)&req, 0, sizeof(req) );
-	/* Now fill in the packet... */
-	req.bootp.op = BOOTREQUEST;
-	req.bootp.htype = 1; /* 10Mb/s Ethernet */
-	req.bootp.hlen = 6;
-	memcpy( req.bootp.chaddr, &MyHwaddr, ETHADDRLEN );
-	/* Put in the minimal RFC1497 Magic cookie */
-	memcpy( req.bootp.vend, mincookie, sizeof(mincookie) );
-	/* Put the user precified bootfile name in place */
-	memcpy( req.bootp.file, image_name, strlen(image_name)+1);
-	starttime = _hz_200;
-	for( retry = 0; retry < BOOTP_RETRYS; ++retry ) {
-		/* Initialize server addresses and own IP to defaults */
-		ServerIPaddr = IP_Broadcast_Addr;  /* */
-		MyIPaddr     = IP_Unknown_Addr;    /* */
-		memcpy( ServerHwaddr, Eth_Broadcast_Addr, ETHADDRLEN );
-		if (retry)
-			sleep( 3 );
-		req.bootp.xid = rancopy = _hz_200;
-		req.bootp.secs = (_hz_200 - starttime) / HZ;
-		if ((err = udp_send( (UDP *)&req, sizeof(req.bootp),
-							 UDP_BOOTPC, UDP_BOOTPS )) < 0) {
-			printf( "bootp send: %s\n", ErrStr[-err-1] );
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ((err = udp_rcv( (UDP *)reply, &len,
-							UDP_BOOTPS, UDP_BOOTPC )) < 0) {
-			printf( "bootp rcv: %s\n", ErrStr[-err-1] );
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (len < sizeof(struct bootp)) {
-			printf( "received short BOOTP packet (%d bytes)\n", len );
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (reply->bootp.xid == rancopy)
-			/* Ok, got the answer */
-			break;
-		printf( "bootp: xid mismatch\n" );
-	}
-	if (retry >= BOOTP_RETRYS) {
-		printf( "No response from a bootp server\n" );
-		return( -2 );
-	}
-	ServerIPaddr = reply->bootp.siaddr;
-	memcpy( ServerHwaddr, reply->ether.src_addr, ETHADDRLEN );
-	printf( "\nBoot server is " );
-	if (strlen(reply->bootp.sname) > 0)
-		printf( "%s, IP ", reply->bootp.sname );
-	print_ip( ServerIPaddr );
-	printf( ", HW address " );
-	print_hw( ServerHwaddr );
-	printf( "\n" );
-	MyIPaddr = reply->bootp.yiaddr;
-	printf( "My IP address is " );
-	print_ip( MyIPaddr );
-	printf( "\n" );
-	strcpy( image_name, reply->bootp.file );
-	return( 0 );
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*								TFTP Procedure							 */
-static int tftp( char *image_name )
-{	TFTP	spkt;
-	Packet	_rpkt;
-	TFTP	*rpkt = (TFTP *)&_rpkt;
-	unsigned short	mytid, rtid = 0;
-	int				blk, retries, i, wpos, err, len, datalen;
-	static char		rotchar[4] = { '|', '/', '-', '\\' };
-	retries = 5;
-	/* Construct and send a read request */
-  repeat_req:
-	spkt.tftp.req.opcode = TFTP_RRQ;
-	strcpy(, image_name );
-	strcpy( + strlen( + 1, "octet" );
-	mytid = _hz_200 & 0xffff;
-	if ((err = udp_send( (UDP *)&spkt, sizeof(spkt.tftp.req.opcode) +
-									   strlen(image_name) + 1 +
-									   strlen( "octect" ) +1,
-						 mytid, UDP_TFTP )) < 0) {
-		printf( "TFTP RREQ: %s\n", ErrStr[-err-1] );
-		if (--retries > 0)
-			goto repeat_req;
-		return( err == ETIMEO ? -2 : -1 );
-	}
-	retries = 5;
-	for( i = 0; i < KFILE_N_CHUNKS; ++i )
-		KFile[i] = NULL;
-	wpos = 0;
-	printf( "Receiving kernel image %s:\n", image_name );
-	for( blk = 1; ; ++blk ) {
-	  repeat_data:
-		if ((err = udp_rcv( (UDP *)rpkt, &len, rtid, mytid )) < 0) {
-			printf( "TFTP rcv: %s\n", ErrStr[-err-1] );
-			if (--retries > 0)
-				goto repeat_data;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		if (rtid == 0)
-			/* Store the remote port at the first packet received */
-			rtid = rpkt->udp.src_port;
-		if (rpkt->tftp.opcode == TFTP_ERROR) {
-			if (strlen(rpkt->tftp.error.str) > 0)
-				printf( "TFTP error: %s\n", rpkt->tftp.error.str );
-			else
-				printf( "TFTP error #%d (no description)\n",
-						rpkt->tftp.error.errcode );
-			goto err;
-		}
-		else if (rpkt->tftp.opcode != TFTP_DATA) {
-			printf( "Bad TFTP packet type: %d\n", rpkt->tftp.opcode );
-			if (--retries > 0)
-				goto repeat_data;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		if (rpkt-> != blk) {
-			/* doubled data packet; ignore it */
-			goto repeat_data;
-		}
-		datalen = len - sizeof(rpkt-> -
-			            sizeof(rpkt->;
-		/* store data */
-		if (datalen > 0) {
-			int chunk = wpos >> KFILE_CHUNK_BITS;
-			if (chunk >= KFILE_N_CHUNKS) {
-				printf( "TFTP: file too large! Aborting.\n" );
-			  out_of_mem:
-				spkt.tftp.error.opcode = TFTP_ERROR;
-				spkt.tftp.error.errcode = 3;
-				strcpy( spkt.tftp.error.str, "Out of memory" );
-				udp_send( (UDP *)&spkt, sizeof(spkt.tftp.ack), mytid, rtid );
-				goto err;
-			}
-			if (!KFile[chunk]) {
-				if (!(KFile[chunk] = malloc( KFILE_CHUNK_SIZE ))) {
-					printf( "TFTP: Out of memory for kernel image\n" );
-					goto out_of_mem;
-				}
-			}
-			memcpy( KFile[chunk] + (wpos & KFILE_CHUNK_MASK),
-					rpkt->, datalen );
-			wpos += datalen;
-#define	DISPLAY_BITS 13
-			if ((wpos & ((1 << DISPLAY_BITS)-1)) == 0) {
-				printf( "\r %c %7d Bytes ",
-						rotchar[(wpos>>DISPLAY_BITS)&3], wpos );
-				fflush( stdout );
-			}
-		}
-		/* Send ACK packet */
-	  repeat_ack:
-		spkt.tftp.ack.opcode = TFTP_ACK;
- = blk;
-		if ((err = udp_send( (UDP *)&spkt, sizeof(spkt.tftp.ack),
-							 mytid, rtid )) < 0) {
-			printf( "TFTP ACK: %s\n", ErrStr[-err-1] );
-			if (--retries > 0)
-				goto repeat_ack;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		if (datalen < 512) {
-			/* This was the last packet */
-			printf( "\r   %7d Bytes done\n\n", wpos );
-			break;
-		}
-		retries = 5;
-	}
-	KFileSize = wpos;
-	return( 0 );
-  err:
-	free_kfile();
-	return( -1 );
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*				  UDP/IP Protocol Quick Hack Implementation				 */
-static int udp_send( UDP *pkt, int len, int fromport, int toport )
-	/* UDP layer */
-	pkt->udp.src_port = fromport;
-	pkt->udp.dst_port = toport;
-	pkt->udp.len      = (len += sizeof(struct udphdr));
-	pkt->udp.chksum   = 0; /* Too lazy to calculate :-) */
-	/* IP layer */
-	pkt->ip.version  = 4;
-	pkt->ip.ihl      = 5;
-	pkt->ip.tos      = 0;
-	pkt->ip.tot_len  = (len += sizeof(struct iphdr));
-	pkt->       = 0;
-	pkt->ip.frag_off = 0;
-	pkt->ip.ttl      = 255;
-	pkt->ip.protocol = 17; /* UDP */
-	pkt->ip.src_addr = MyIPaddr;
-	pkt->ip.dst_addr = ServerIPaddr;
-	pkt->ip.chksum   = 0;
-	pkt->ip.chksum   = ip_checksum( &pkt->ip );
-	/* Ethernet layer */
-	memcpy( &pkt->ether.dst_addr, ServerHwaddr, ETHADDRLEN );
-	memcpy( &pkt->ether.src_addr, MyHwaddr, ETHADDRLEN );
-	pkt->ether.type     = 0x0800;
-	len += sizeof(struct etherhdr);
-	return( eth_send( (Packet *)pkt, len ) );
-static unsigned short ip_checksum( struct iphdr *buf )
-{	unsigned long sum = 0, wlen = 5;
-	__asm__ ("subqw #1,%2\n"
-			 "1:\t"
-			 "movel %1@+,%/d0\n\t"
-			 "addxl %/d0,%0\n\t"
-			 "dbra %2,1b\n\t"
-			 "movel %0,%/d0\n\t"
-			 "swap %/d0\n\t"
-			 "addxw %/d0,%0\n\t"
-			 "clrw %/d0\n\t"
-			 "addxw %/d0,%0"
-			 : "=d" (sum), "=a" (buf), "=d" (wlen)
-			 : "0" (sum), "1" (buf), "2" (wlen)
-			 : "d0");
-	return( (~sum) & 0xffff );
-static int udp_rcv( UDP *pkt, int *len, int fromport, int atport )
-{	int				err;
-  repeat:
-	if ((err = eth_rcv( (Packet *)pkt, len )))
-		return( err );
-	/* Ethernet layer */
-	if (pkt->ether.type == 0x0806) {
-		/* ARP */
-		ARP *pk = (ARP *)pkt;
-		unsigned char *shw, *sip, *thw, *tip;
-		if (pk->arp.hrd != 1 || pk-> != 0x0800 ||
-			pk->arp.op != 1 || MyIPaddr == IP_Unknown_Addr)
-			/* Wrong hardware type or protocol; or reply -> ignore */
-			goto repeat;
-		shw = pk->arp.addr;
-		sip = shw + pk->arp.hln;
-		thw = sip + pk->arp.pln;
-		tip = thw + pk->arp.hln;
-		if (memcmp( tip, &MyIPaddr, pk->arp.pln ) == 0) {
-			memcpy( thw, shw, pk->arp.hln );
-			memcpy( tip, sip, pk->arp.pln );
-			memcpy( shw, &MyHwaddr, pk->arp.hln );
-			memcpy( sip, &MyIPaddr, pk->arp.pln );
-			memcpy( &pk->ether.dst_addr, thw, ETHADDRLEN );
-			memcpy( &pk->ether.src_addr, &MyHwaddr, ETHADDRLEN );
-			eth_send( (Packet *)pk, *len );
-		}
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	else if (pkt->ether.type != 0x0800) {
-		printf( "Unknown Ethernet packet type %04x received\n",
-				pkt->ether.type );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	/* IP layer */
-	if (MyIPaddr != IP_Unknown_Addr && pkt->ip.dst_addr != MyIPaddr) {
-		printf( "Received packet for wrong IP address\n" );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	if (ServerIPaddr != IP_Unknown_Addr &&
-		ServerIPaddr != IP_Broadcast_Addr &&
-		pkt->ip.src_addr != ServerIPaddr) {
-		printf( "Received packet from wrong server\n" );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	/* If IP header is longer than 5 longs, delete the options */
-	if (pkt->ip.ihl > 5) {
-		char *udpstart = (char *)((long *)&pkt->ip + pkt->ip.ihl);
-		memmove( &pkt->udp, udpstart, *len - (udpstart-(char *)pkt) );
-	}
-	/* UDP layer */
-	if (fromport != 0 && pkt->udp.src_port != fromport) {
-		printf( "Received packet from wrong port %d\n", pkt->udp.src_port );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	if (pkt->udp.dst_port != atport) {
-		printf( "Received packet at wrong port %d\n", pkt->udp.dst_port );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	*len = pkt->udp.len - sizeof(struct udphdr);
-	return( 0 );
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*							   Address Printing							 */
-static void print_ip( IPADDR addr )
-	printf( "%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld",
-			(addr >> 24) & 0xff,
-			(addr >> 16) & 0xff,
-			(addr >>  8) & 0xff,
-			addr & 0xff );
-static void print_hw( HWADDR addr )
-	printf( "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
-			addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5] );
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*					 Ethernet Interface Abstraction Layer				 */
-#include "ethlance.h"
-static ETHIF_SWITCH *PossibleInterfaces[] = {
-	&LanceSwitch,
-#define	N_PossibleInterfaces (sizeof(PossibleInterfaces)/sizeof(*PossibleInterfaces))
-/* Detected interface */
-static ETHIF_SWITCH *Ethif = NULL;
-static int check_ethif( void )
-{	int i;
-	/* Check for configured interfaces */
-	Ethif = NULL;
-	for( i = 0; i < N_PossibleInterfaces; ++i ) {
-		if (PossibleInterfaces[i]->probe() >= 0) {
-			Ethif = PossibleInterfaces[i];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!Ethif)
-		return( -1 );
-	if (Ethif->init() < 0) {
-		printf( "Ethernet interface initialization failed\n" );
-		return( -1 );
-	}
-	Ethif->get_hwaddr( &MyHwaddr );
-	return( 0 );
-static int eth_send( Packet *pkt, int len )
-	return( Ethif->snd( pkt, len ));
-static int eth_rcv( Packet *pkt, int *len )
-	return( Ethif->rcv( pkt, len ));
-#if 0
-static void dump_packet( UDP *pkt )
-{	int		i, l;
-	unsigned char *p;
-	printf( "Packet dump:\n" );
-	printf( "Ethernet header:\n" );
-	printf( "  dst addr: " ); print_hw( pkt->ether.dst_addr ); printf( "\n" );
-	printf( "  src addr: " ); print_hw( pkt->ether.src_addr ); printf( "\n" );
-	printf( "  type: %04x\n", pkt->ether.type );
-	printf( "IP header:\n" );
-	printf( "  version: %d\n", pkt->ip.version );
-	printf( "  hdr len: %d\n", pkt->ip.ihl );
-	printf( "  tos: %d\n", pkt->ip.tos );
-	printf( "  tot_len: %d\n", pkt->ip.tot_len );
-	printf( "  id: %d\n", pkt-> );
-	printf( "  frag_off: %d\n", pkt->ip.frag_off );
-	printf( "  ttl: %d\n", pkt->ip.ttl );
-	printf( "  prot: %d\n", pkt->ip.protocol );
-	printf( "  src addr: " ); print_ip( pkt->ip.src_addr ); printf( "\n" );
-	printf( "  dst addr: " ); print_ip( pkt->ip.dst_addr ); printf( "\n" );
-	printf( "UDP header:\n" );
-	printf( "  src port: %d\n", pkt->udp.src_port );
-	printf( "  dst port: %d\n", pkt->udp.dst_port );
-	printf( "  len: %d\n", pkt->udp.len );
-	printf( "Data:" );
-	l = pkt->udp.len - sizeof(pkt->udp);
-	p = (unsigned char *)&pkt->udp + sizeof(pkt->udp);
-	for( i = 0; i < l; ++i ) {
-		if ((i % 32) == 0)
-			printf( "\n  %04x ", i );
-		printf( "%02x ", *p );
-	}
-	printf( "\n" );

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,