patch-2.4.19 linux-2.4.19/arch/mips/philips/nino/int-handler.S

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diff -urN linux-2.4.18/arch/mips/philips/nino/int-handler.S linux-2.4.19/arch/mips/philips/nino/int-handler.S
@@ -1,137 +1,66 @@
- *  linux/arch/mips/philips/nino/int-handler.S
+ *  arch/mips/philips/nino/int-handler.S
- *  Copyright (C) 1999 Harald Koerfgen
- *  Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Pick (
  *  Copyright (C) 2001 Steven J. Hill (
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *  Interrupt handler for Philips Nino.
+ *  Interrupt exception dispatch code for Philips Nino
 #include <asm/asm.h>
-#include <asm/regdef.h>
 #include <asm/mipsregs.h>
+#include <asm/regdef.h>
 #include <asm/stackframe.h>
-#include <asm/tx3912.h>
-		.data
-	        .globl  HighPriVect
-HighPriVect:	.word   spurious        # Reserved
-	        .word   io_posnegint0   # IOPOSINT(0) or IONEGINT(0)
-	        .word   spurious        # CHIDMACNTINT
-	        .word   spurious        # TELDMACNTINT
-	        .word   spurious        # SNDDMACNTINT
-	        .word   spurious        # Reserved
-	        .word   io_negint56     # IONEGINT(6) or IONEGINT(5)
-	        .word   spurious        # Reserved
-	        .word   io_posint56     # IOPOSINT(6) or IOPOSINT(5)
-	        .word   spurious        # Reserved
-	        .word   spurious        # UARTBRXINT
-	        .word   uarta_rx        # UARTARXINT
-	        .word   spurious        # Reserved
-	        .word   periodic_timer  # PERINT
-	        .word   spurious        # ALARMINT
-	        .word   spurious        # POSPWROKINT or NEGPWROKINT
- *  Here is the entry point to handle all interrupts.
- */
-		.text
-		.set	noreorder
-		.align	5
-		NESTED(nino_handle_int, PT_SIZE, ra)
-		.set	noat
-		CLI
-		.set	at
-		/*
-		 * Get pending Interrupts
-		 */
-		mfc0	t0, CP0_CAUSE		# Get pending interrupts
-		andi	t2, t0, IE_IRQ4		# IRQ4 (high priority)
-		bne	t2, IE_IRQ4, low_priority
-		nop
- *  Ok, we've got a high priority interrupt (a.k.a. an external interrupt).
- *  Read Interrupt Status Register 6 to get vector.
- */
-		lui	t0, %hi(IntStatus6)
-		lw	t1, %lo(IntStatus6)(t0)
-		andi	t1, INT6_INTVECT
-		la	t2, HighPriVect
-		addu	t1, t1, t2
-		lw	t2, 0(t1)
-		jr	t2
-		nop
- * Ok, we've got one of over a hundred other interupts.
- */
-		lui	t0, %hi(IntStatus1)
-		lw	t1, %lo(IntStatus1)(t0)
-		j	handle_it
-		li	a0, 20
- * We don't currently handle spurious interrupts.
- */
-		j	spurious_interrupt
-		nop
- * We have the IRQ number, dispatch to the real handler.
- */
-handle_it:	jal	do_IRQ
-		move	a1,sp
-		j	ret_from_irq
-		nop
- * High priority interrupt mappings *
- ************************************/
- *  Periodic timer - IRQ 0
- */
-		j	handle_it
-		li	a0, 0
- *  UARTA RX - IRQ 3
- */
-		j	handle_it
-		li	a0, 3
- *  GPIO Pin 0 transition - IRQ 10
- */
-		j	handle_it
-		li	a0, 10
- *  GPIO Pin 5 or 6 transition (0-to-1) - IRQ 11
- */
-		j	handle_it
-		li	a0, 11
- *  GPIO Pin 5 or 6 transition (1-to-0) - IRQ 12
- */
-		j	handle_it
-		li	a0, 12
-		END(nino_handle_int)
+	/*
+	 * Here is the table of interrupts for the Philips Nino
+	 * which uses the Philips PR31700/Toshiba TMPR3912 core.
+	 *
+	 *   MIPS IRQ             Description
+	 *   --------	--------------------------------
+	 *       0	SW0 interrupt (unused)
+	 *       1	SW1 interrupt (unused)
+	 *       2
+	 *       3
+	 *       4	PR31700 low priority interrupts
+	 *       5
+	 *       6	PR31700 high priority interrupts
+	 *       7
+	 */
+	.text
+	.set	noreorder
+	.set	noat
+	.align	5
+	NESTED(ninoIRQ, PT_SIZE, sp)
+	.set	at
+	mfc0	s0, CP0_CAUSE		# determine cause
+	andi	a0, s0, CAUSEF_IP6
+	beq	a0, zero, 1f
+	andi	a0, s0, CAUSEF_IP4	# delay slot
+	move    a0, sp
+	jal	irq6_dispatch
+	nop				# delay slot
+	j	ret_from_irq
+	nop				# delay slot
+	beq	a0, zero, 1f
+	nop				# delay slot
+	move	a0, sp
+	jal	irq4_dispatch
+	nop				# delay slot
+	j	ret_from_irq
+	nop				# delay slot
+	/* We should never get here */
+	move	a0, sp
+	j	irq_bad
+	nop
+	END(ninoIRQ)

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: