patch-2.4.22 linux-2.4.22/arch/ia64/sn/kernel/bte_regr_test.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.21/arch/ia64/sn/kernel/bte_regr_test.c linux-2.4.22/arch/ia64/sn/kernel/bte_regr_test.c
@@ -1,1062 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
- * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License 
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but 
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
- * 
- * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is 
- * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
- * or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
- * otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
- * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
- * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
- * License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software 
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * 
- * Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, 
- * Mountain View, CA  94043, or:
- * 
- * 
- * 
- * For further information regarding this notice, see: 
- * 
- *
- */
- * Block Transfer Engine regression tests.
- *
- *	The following set of tests can be used to test for regressions.
- *	It is implemented as a loadable module.
- *
- *	To enable the tests, the kernel must be booted with the
- *	"btetest" command line flag.  If the tests are compiled into the
- *	kernel, additional values may be passed with
- *	"bte_test=t,v,ht,tn,tx,ti,ta,tc"
- *	where:
- *	    t = Bitmask of tests to run.
- *	    v = Level of verbosity.
- *	    ht = Number of seconds to try to force a notification hang.
- *          hu = Number of uSecs to wait until warning of hang.
- *	    tn = Min number of lines to rate test with (2 raised to).
- *	    tx = Max number of lines to rate test with (2 raised to).
- *	    ti = Number of iterations per timing.
- *          ta = Aternate through cpus on each pass.
- *	    tc = Use/Don't Use memcopy
- *
- *	When loaded as a module, each of those values has a seperate
- *	parameter.  Just do a modinfo bte_test.o to get those names
- *	and valid ranges.
- *
- *	Tests are performed in the following order.
- *
- *	Standard Transfer Test - Just transfers a block of initialized
- *	data to a cleared block and ensures that memory before and after
- *	is untouched, but that the body has all the correct values.
- *
- *	Transfer Rate Test - Data is transfered from node to node
- *	to ensure every node is able to BTE data.  Timings are created
- *	for each node.
- *
- *	Notification Hang Test - Attempts to force the Notification
- *	hang problem to arise.  A hang occurs when the BTE fails
- *	to invalidate a processors cache line for the notification
- *	word, resulting in the processor not seeing the updated
- *	value.
- *
- *	Invalid Transfer Test - In this test, we attempt to transfer
- *	data from a valid address to a nasid which does not exist.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-#define BTE_TIME 1		/* Needed to ensure bte_copy records
-				 * timings */
-// #define BTE_DEBUG
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <asm/sn/nodepda.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/sn/bte_copy.h>
- * Local defines, structs, and typedefs.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- * The following struct defines standard transfers to use while
- * testing.
- */
-typedef struct brt_xfer_entry_s {
-	int source_offset;
-	int dest_offset;
-	int length;
-} brt_xfer_entry_t;
- * BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE needs to accomodate the largest transfer that
- * is found in brt_xfer_tests.
- */
-#define BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE 1024
-/* Flags for selecting tests to run. */
-#define TEST_REGRESSION		0x00000001	/* Standard Transfer */
-#define TEST_TIME		0x00000002	/* Timed Transfer */
-#define TEST_NOTIFY		0x00000004	/* Notification Hang */
-#define TEST_NONODE		0x00000008	/* Invalid Nasid Xfer */
- * Global variables.
- * 
- **********************************************************************/
- * bte_setup_time - Time it takes for bte_copy to get locks
- * 		    acquired and values into SHUB registers to start the
- * 		    xfer.
- *
- * bte_transfer_time - Time where hardware is doing the xfer.
- *
- * bte_tear_down_time - Time to unlock and return.
- *
- * bte_execute_time - Time from first call until return.
- */
-volatile static u64 bte_setup_time;
-volatile static u64 bte_transfer_time;
-volatile static u64 bte_tear_down_time;
-volatile static u64 bte_execute_time;
-/* Tests to run during standard transfer tests. */
-static brt_xfer_entry_t brt_xfer_tests[] = {
-	{0, 0, 2 * L1_CACHE_BYTES},	/* The ideal case. */
-	{0, 0, 35},		/* Symetrical aligned test. */
-	{0, 0, L1_CACHE_BYTES + 35},
-	{0, 0, (2 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{0, 0, (4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 25), 35},	/* Symetrical unaligned test. */
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 25), L1_CACHE_BYTES + 35},
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25),
-	 (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25) + 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 25), (2 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25),
-	 (2 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 25), (4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25),
-	 (4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 26), 35},	/* Asymetrical unaligned test. */
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 26), 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 26), L1_CACHE_BYTES + 35},
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 26),
-	 (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25) + 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 26), (2 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 26),
-	 (2 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(0 + 25), (0 + 26), (4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{(L1_CACHE_BYTES + 25), (L1_CACHE_BYTES + 26),
-	 (4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES) + 35},
-	{0, 0, 0}		/* Terminator */
-static atomic_t brt_thread_cnt;	/* Threads in test. */
-volatile static int brt_exit_flag;	/* Flag termination of hang test */
-/* command line/module parameters */
-static int selected_tests = 0;
-static int verbose = 0;
-static int hang_timeout = 10;
-static int hang_usec = 12;
-static int tm_min_lines = 1;
-static int tm_max_lines = 3;
-static int tm_iterations = 1;
-static int tm_alternate = 0;
-static int tm_memcpy = 1;
-static int ix_iterations = 1000;
-static int ix_srcnasid = -1;
- * Local Function Prototypes.
- * 
- **********************************************************************/
-static int __init brt_test_init(void);
-static void __exit brt_test_exit(void);
-/* Standard Transfer Test related functions. */
-static int brt_tst_std_xfer(void);
-static int brt_std_xfer(char *, char *, int, int, int, int);
-static void brt_hex_dump(char *, int);
-/* Timed Transfer Test related functions. */
-static int brt_tst_time_xfers(void);
-static void brt_time_xfer(int, int, int);
-/* Notification Hang Test related functions. */
-static int brt_tst_notify_hang(void);
-static int brt_notify_thrd(void *);
-/* Transfers to Invalid Nasid Test related functions. */
-static int brt_tst_invalid_xfers(void);
-#if !defined(MODULE)
-/* Kernel command line handler. */
-static int __init brt_setup(char *);
-#endif				/* !defined(MODULE) */
- * Module Load/Unload.
- * 
- **********************************************************************/
-#define brt_marker() \
-	printk("**************************************************" \
-	       "**********************.\n"); \
-	printk("\n"); \
-	printk("**************************************************" \
-	       "**********************.\n"); \
-	printk("\n"); \
-	printk("**************************************************" \
-	       "**********************.\n"); \
-	printk("\n");
-static int __init
-	int some_tests_removed;
-	if (numnodes < 2) {
-		printk("These tests are best run on multinode "
-		       "systems.\n");
-	}
-	if (!pda.cpu_bte_if[0]->bte_test_buf) {
-		some_tests_removed = 0;
-		/* Timed Transfers go node-to-node. */
-		if (selected_tests & TEST_TIME) {
-			some_tests_removed = 1;
-			selected_tests &= ~(TEST_TIME);
-		}
-		/* Notification Hang runs on all cpus simultaneously */
-		if (selected_tests & TEST_NOTIFY) {
-			some_tests_removed = 1;
-			selected_tests &= ~(TEST_NOTIFY);
-		}
-		/* Invalid Tests */
-		if (selected_tests & TEST_NONODE) {
-			some_tests_removed = 1;
-			selected_tests &= ~(TEST_NONODE);
-		}
-		if (some_tests_removed) {
-			printk("Test Buffers were not allocated.\n");
-			printk("Please reboot the system and supply "
-			       "the \"btetest\" kernel flag\n");
-			printk("Some tests were removed.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	brt_marker();
-	printk("brt_test(): Starting.\n");
-	if (selected_tests & TEST_REGRESSION) {
-		if (brt_tst_std_xfer()) {
-			printk("Standard Transfers had errors.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (selected_tests & TEST_TIME) {
-		if (tm_min_lines < 0) {
-			tm_min_lines = 0;
-		}
-		if (tm_max_lines < 0) {
-			tm_max_lines = 0;
-		}
-		if (tm_max_lines > BTE_LEN_MASK) {
-			tm_max_lines = BTE_LEN_MASK;
-		}
-		if (tm_min_lines > tm_max_lines) {
-			tm_min_lines = tm_max_lines;
-		}
-		if (brt_tst_time_xfers()) {
-			printk("Timed transfers had errors.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (selected_tests & TEST_NOTIFY) {
-		if (hang_usec < 8) {
-			hang_usec = 8;
-		}
-		if (hang_usec > 256) {
-			hang_usec = 256;
-		}
-		if (brt_tst_notify_hang()) {
-			printk("Notification Hang test had errors.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (selected_tests & TEST_NONODE) {
-		if (brt_tst_invalid_xfers()) {
-			printk("Invalid Nasid test had errors.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	return (1);		/* Prevent module load. */
-static void __exit
- * Standard Transfer Test.
- *	
- *	This test has a table of transfers defined above.  For each
- *	transfer, it calls bte_unaligned_copy.  It compares the actual
- *	result with the expected result.  If they differ, it prints out
- *	information about the transfer and hex dumps the actual block
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- * Allocate the needed buffers and then initiate each xfer specified
- * by brt_xfer_tests.
- */
-static int
-	char *block_1;
-	char *block_2;
-	int iteration = 0;
-	brt_xfer_entry_t *cur_test;
-	int cpu;
-	int err_cnt;
-	block_1 = kmalloc(BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	ASSERT(!((u64) block_1 & L1_CACHE_MASK));
-	block_2 = kmalloc(BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	ASSERT(!((u64) block_2 & L1_CACHE_MASK));
-	cur_test = brt_xfer_tests;
-	err_cnt = 0;
-	while (cur_test->length) {
-		for (cpu = 0; cpu < smp_num_cpus; cpu++) {
-			set_cpus_allowed(current, (1UL << cpu));
-			if (verbose > 1) {
-				printk("Cpu %d Transfering %d from "
-				       "%d to %d.\n",
-				       smp_processor_id(),
-				       cur_test->length,
-				       cur_test->source_offset,
-				       cur_test->dest_offset);
-			}
-			err_cnt += brt_std_xfer(block_1, block_2,
-						cur_test->source_offset,
-						cur_test->dest_offset,
-						cur_test->length,
-						++iteration);
-		}
-		cur_test++;
-	}
-	kfree(block_2);
-	kfree(block_1);
-	return ((err_cnt ? 1 : 0));
- * Perform a single transfer and ensure the result matches
- * the expected.  Returns the number of differences found.
- *
- * Testing is performed by setting the source buffer to a
- * known value, and zeroing out the destination.
- *
- * After the copy, if the destination has only the known
- * source values at the correct place, we know we had a
- * good transfer.
- *
- */
-static int
-brt_std_xfer(char *src, char *dst,
-	     int src_offset, int dst_offset, int len,
-	     int magic)
-	int i, ret;
-	int err_cnt = 0;
-	if (verbose > 3) {
-		printk("brt_test(src=0x%lx, dst=0x%lx, src_offset=%d, "
-		       "dst_offset=%d, len=%d, magic=%d\n",
-		       (u64) src, (u64) dst, src_offset,
-		       dst_offset, len, magic);
-	}
-	memset(src, ((magic + 1) & 0xff), BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	memset((src + src_offset), magic, len);
-	if (verbose > 8) {
-		printk("Before transfer: Source is\n");
-		brt_hex_dump(src, BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	}
-	memset(dst, 0, BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	if (verbose > 8) {
-		printk("Before transfer: dest is\n");
-		brt_hex_dump(dst, BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	}
-	ret = BTE_UNALIGNED_COPY(__pa(src + src_offset),
-				 __pa(dst + dst_offset),
-				 len, BTE_NOTIFY);
-	if (ret != BTE_SUCCESS) {
-		printk("brt_test: BTE_UNALIGNED_COPY() error: %d\n", ret);
-		return (1);
-	}
-	/* Check head */
-	for (i = 0; i < dst_offset; i++) {
-		if ((dst[i] & 0xff) != 0) {
-			err_cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Check body */
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		if ((dst[dst_offset + i] & 0xff) != (magic & 0xff)) {
-			err_cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Check foot */
-	for (i = (dst_offset + len); i < BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
-		if ((dst[i] & 0xff) != 0) {
-			err_cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-	if ((verbose > 3) || err_cnt) {
-		printk("brt_test: %d errors during basic "
-		       "transfer test.\n", err_cnt);
-		brt_hex_dump(dst, BRT_TEST_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	}
-	return (err_cnt);
- * Dump a block of data to console as hex.
- */
-static void
-brt_hex_dump(char *block_to_dump, int block_len)
-	int i;
-	char fmt_line[128];
-	char *fmt_eol = fmt_line;
-	for (i = 0; i < block_len; i++) {
-		if (!(i % 16)) {
-			if (i > 0) {
-				printk("%s\n", fmt_line);
-			}
-			sprintf(fmt_line, "0x%lx %05d ",
-				__pa(&block_to_dump[i]), i);
-			fmt_eol = fmt_line;
-		}
-		while (*fmt_eol++) {	/* empty */
-		};
-		fmt_eol--;
-		sprintf(fmt_eol, "%s%02x",
-			(!(i % 4) ? " " : ""), (block_to_dump[i] & 0xff));
-	}
-	printk("%s\n", fmt_line);
- * Transfer Rate Test.
- * 
- *	This test migrates to each cpu one at a time.  This is done to
- *	get a complete view of how each of the bte engines is performing
- *	and help ensure that each virtual interface is being used.
- *	NOTE: All virtual interfaces will not necessarily be used.
- *
- *	Now that we have migrated to the desired cpu, we transfer from
- *	our node to all the other nodes (including ourself).  We
- *	accomplish this with both a memcpy and a bte_copy.  Timings
- *	for both are printed.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-#define NSEC(x) ((x) * (1000000000UL / local_cpu_data->itc_freq))
- * Migrate to each cpu. When on the desired cpu, time transfers to
- * each node by calling brt_time_xfer.
- */
-static int
-	int tst_cpu;
-	int dest_node;
-	int xfer_lines;
-	int i;
-	if (tm_memcpy) {
-		printk("Cpu,Src,Dst,Lines,Stup,Transfr,Fin,Execute,"
-		       "Overall,Memcpy\n");
-	} else {
-		printk("Cpu,Src,Dst,Lines,Stup,Transfr,Fin,Execute,"
-		       "Overall\n");
-	}
-	if (tm_alternate) {
-		/* Now transfer from this node to all the others. */
-		for (dest_node = 0; dest_node < numnodes; dest_node++) {
-			for (xfer_lines = tm_min_lines;
-			     xfer_lines <= tm_max_lines;) {
-				for (i = 0; i < tm_iterations; i++) {
-					for (tst_cpu = 0;
-					     tst_cpu < smp_num_cpus;
-					     tst_cpu++) {
-						/* Move to the desired CPU. */
-						set_cpus_allowed(current,
-						    (1UL << tst_cpu));
-						brt_time_xfer(dest_node,
-							      1,
-							      xfer_lines);
-					}
-				}
-				/* Handle a min of 0 */
-				if (xfer_lines < 1) {
-					xfer_lines = 1;
-				} else {
-					xfer_lines *= 2;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (tst_cpu = 0; tst_cpu < smp_num_cpus; tst_cpu++) {
-			/* Move to the desired CPU. */
-			set_cpus_allowed(current, (1UL << tst_cpu));
-			/* Now transfer from this node to all the others. */
-			for (dest_node = 0; dest_node < numnodes;
-			     dest_node++) {
-				for (xfer_lines = tm_min_lines;
-				     xfer_lines <= tm_max_lines;) {
-					brt_time_xfer(dest_node,
-						      tm_iterations,
-						      xfer_lines);
-					/* Handle a min of 0 */
-					if (xfer_lines < 1) {
-						xfer_lines = 1;
-					} else {
-						xfer_lines *= 2;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return (0);
- * Transfer the bte_test_buffer from our node to the specified
- * destination and print out timing results.
- */
-static void
-brt_time_xfer(int dest_node, int iterations, int xfer_lines)
-	int iteration;
-	char *src, *dst;
-	u64 xfer_len, src_phys, dst_phys;
-	u64 itc_before, itc_after, mem_intvl, bte_intvl;
-	xfer_len = xfer_lines * L1_CACHE_BYTES;
-	src = nodepda->bte_if[0].bte_test_buf;
-	src_phys = __pa(src);
-	dst = NODEPDA(dest_node)->bte_if[1].bte_test_buf;
-	dst_phys = __pa(dst);
-	mem_intvl = 0;
-	for (iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) {
-		if (tm_memcpy) {
-			itc_before = ia64_get_itc();
-			memcpy(dst, src, xfer_len);
-			itc_after = ia64_get_itc();
-			mem_intvl = itc_after - itc_before;
-		}
-		itc_before = ia64_get_itc();
-		bte_copy(src_phys, dst_phys, xfer_len, BTE_NOTIFY, NULL);
-		itc_after = ia64_get_itc();
-		bte_intvl = itc_after - itc_before;
-		if (tm_memcpy) {
-			printk("%3d,%3d,%3d,%5d,%4ld,%7ld,%3ld,"
-			       "%7ld,%7ld,%7ld\n",
-			       smp_processor_id(), NASID_GET(src),
-			       NASID_GET(dst), xfer_lines,
-			       NSEC(bte_setup_time),
-			       NSEC(bte_transfer_time),
-			       NSEC(bte_tear_down_time),
-			       NSEC(bte_execute_time), NSEC(bte_intvl),
-			       NSEC(mem_intvl));
-		} else {
-			printk("%3d,%3d,%3d,%5d,%4ld,%7ld,%3ld,"
-			       "%7ld,%7ld\n",
-			       smp_processor_id(), NASID_GET(src),
-			       NASID_GET(dst), xfer_lines,
-			       NSEC(bte_setup_time),
-			       NSEC(bte_transfer_time),
-			       NSEC(bte_tear_down_time),
-			       NSEC(bte_execute_time), NSEC(bte_intvl));
-		}
-	}
- * Notification Hang Test. -- NOTE: Has never actually caused a hang.
- *
- *	The next set of code checks to see if the Notification Hang
- *	occurs.  It does this by starting one thread per cpu, pinning
- *	the thread to its assigned cpu.  After it is pinned, we lock
- *	the associated bte.  Source, Dest, and Notification are
- *	assigned.
- *
- *	Inside of a loop, we set the length and trigger the
- *	transfer. We use the ITC to determine when the transfer should
- *	complete. Whenever the IBLS_BUSY bit is cleared, the transfer
- *	has completed. We occasionally call schedule (Since all CPUs
- *	have a pinned process The machine will be doing nothing but
- *	out tranfers) and loop.
- *
- *	If twice max normal time has passed without seeing the
- *	notification, we check the Length/Status register to see if
- *	IBLS_BUSY is still asserted and length is zero.  This is an
- *	indication of the hang.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- * Launch one thread per cpu.  When all threads are started, sleep
- * the specified timeout and then notify the other threads that it
- * is time to exit.
- */
-static int
-	int tst_cpu;
-	printk("Waiting %d seconds to complete test.\n", hang_timeout);
-	atomic_set(&brt_thread_cnt, 0);
-	brt_exit_flag = 0;
-	for (tst_cpu = 0; tst_cpu < smp_num_cpus; tst_cpu++) {
-		if ((kernel_thread(brt_notify_thrd,
-				   (void *)(long)tst_cpu, 0)) < 0) {
-			printk("Failed to start thread.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-	schedule_timeout(hang_timeout * HZ);
-	set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-	printk("Flagging an exit.\n");
-	brt_exit_flag = 1;
-	while (atomic_read(&brt_thread_cnt)) {
-		/* Wait until everyone else is done. */
-		schedule();
-	}
-	printk("All threads have exited.\n");
-	return (0);
- * One of these threads is started per cpu.  Each thread is responsible
- * for loading that cpu's bte interface and then writing to the
- * test buffer.  The transfers are set in a round-robin fashion.
- * The end result is that each test buffer is being written into
- * by the previous node and both cpu's at the same time as the
- * local bte is transferring it to the next node.
- */
-static int
-brt_notify_thrd(void *__bind_cpu)
-	int bind_cpu = (long int)__bind_cpu;
-	int cpu = cpu_logical_map(bind_cpu);
-	nodepda_t *nxt_node;
-	long tmout_itc_intvls;
-	long tmout;
-	long passes;
-	long good_xfer_cnt;
-	u64 src_phys, dst_phys;
-	int i;
-	volatile char *src_buf;
-	u64 *notify;
-	atomic_inc(&brt_thread_cnt);
-	daemonize();
-	set_user_nice(current, 19);
-	sigfillset(&current->blocked);
-	/* Migrate to the right CPU */
-	set_cpus_allowed(current, 1UL << cpu);
-	/* Calculate the uSec timeout itc offset. */
-	tmout_itc_intvls = local_cpu_data->cyc_per_usec * hang_usec;
-	if (local_cnodeid() == (numnodes - 1)) {
-		nxt_node = NODEPDA(0);
-	} else {
-		nxt_node = NODEPDA(local_cnodeid() + 1);
-	}
-	src_buf = nodepda->bte_if[0].bte_test_buf;
-	src_phys = __pa(src_buf);
-	dst_phys = __pa(nxt_node->bte_if[0].bte_test_buf);
-	notify = kmalloc(L1_CACHE_BYTES, GFP_KERNEL);
-	ASSERT(!((u64) notify & L1_CACHE_MASK));
-	printk("BTE Hang %d xfer 0x%lx -> 0x%lx, Notify=0x%lx\n",
-	       smp_processor_id(), src_phys, dst_phys, (u64) notify);
-	passes = 0;
-	good_xfer_cnt = 0;
-	/* Loop until signalled to exit. */
-	while (!brt_exit_flag) {
-		/*
-		 * A hang will prevent further transfers.
-		 * NOTE: Sometimes, it appears like a hang occurred and
-		 * then transfers begin again.  This just means that
-		 * there is NUMA congestion and the hang_usec param
-		 * should be increased.
-		 */
-		if (!(*notify & IBLS_BUSY)) {
-			if ((bte_copy(src_phys,
-				      dst_phys,
-				      4UL * L1_CACHE_BYTES,
-				      BTE_NOTIFY,
-				      (void *)notify)) != BTE_SUCCESS) {
-				printk("<0>Cpu %d Could not "
-				       "allocate a bte.\n",
-				       smp_processor_id());
-				continue;
-			}
-			tmout = ia64_get_itc() + tmout_itc_intvls;
-			while ((*notify & IBLS_BUSY) &&
-			       (ia64_get_itc() < tmout)) {
-				/* Push data out with the processor. */
-				for (i = 0; i < (4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES);
-				     i += L1_CACHE_BYTES) {
-					src_buf[i] = (passes % 128);
-				}
-			};
-			if (*notify & IBLS_BUSY) {
-				printk("<0>Cpu %d BTE appears to have "
-				       "hung.\n", smp_processor_id());
-			} else {
-				good_xfer_cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		/* Every x passes, take a little break. */
-		if (!(++passes % 40)) {
-			passes = 0;
-			schedule_timeout(0.01 * HZ);
-		}
-	}
-	kfree(notify);
-	printk("Cpu %d had %ld good passes\n",
-	       smp_processor_id(), good_xfer_cnt);
-	atomic_dec(&brt_thread_cnt);
-	return (0);
- * Invalid Transfer Test.
- * 
- *	Just transfer from the local node to a nasid which does not
- *	exist.
- *
- *	>>> Potential Problem: on SN1, HUB interrupt doesn't always
- *	occurr.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- * Locate a nasid which doesn't exist.  Perform a bte_copy from that
- * node to our local node.
- */
-static int
-	int i;
-	int free_nasid = -1;
-	int cpu;
-	int error_cnt;
-	u64 ret_code;
-	if (ix_srcnasid != -1) {
-		free_nasid = ix_srcnasid;
-	} else {
-		/* Only looking for nasids from C-Nodes. */
-		for (i = 0; i < PLAT_MAX_NODE_NUMBER; i += 2) {
-			if (local_node_data->physical_node_map[i] == -1) {
-				free_nasid = i;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (free_nasid == -1) {
-		printk("tst_invalid_xfers: No free nodes found. "
-		       "Exiting.\n");
-		return (0);
-	}
-	printk("tst_invalid_xfers: Using source nasid of %d\n",
-	       free_nasid);
-	error_cnt = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < ix_iterations; i++) {
-		if (verbose >= 1) {
-			printk("-------------------------------"
-			       "-------------------------------"
-			       "--------------\n");
-		}
-		if ((verbose >= 1) || !(i % 10)) {
-			printk("  Loop %d\n", i);
-		}
-		for (cpu = 0; cpu < smp_num_cpus; cpu++) {
-			set_cpus_allowed(current, (1UL << cpu));
-			if (verbose > 1) {
-				printk("Testing with CPU %d\n",
-				       smp_processor_id());
-			}
-			/* >>> Need a better means of calculating a
-			 * remote addr. */
-			ret_code = bte_copy(TO_NODE(free_nasid, 0),
-					    __pa(nodepda->bte_if[0].
-						 bte_test_buf),
-					    4 * L1_CACHE_BYTES,
-					    BTE_NOTIFY,
-					    NULL);
-			error_cnt += (ret_code ? 1 : 0);
-		}
-	}
-	ret_code = ((error_cnt != (ix_iterations * smp_num_cpus)) ?
-		    1 : 0);
-	return (ret_code);
- * Kernel command line handler.
- * 
- **********************************************************************/
-#if !defined(MODULE)
-static int __init
-brt_setup(char *str)
-	int cur_val;
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		selected_tests = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		verbose = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		hang_timeout = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		hang_usec = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		tm_min_lines = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		tm_max_lines = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		tm_iterations = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		tm_alternate = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		tm_memcpy = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		ix_iterations = cur_val;
-	}
-	if (get_option(&str, &cur_val)) {
-		ix_srcnasid = cur_val;
-	}
-	return (1);
-#endif				/* !defined(MODULE) */
- * Module parameters.
- *	
- *	The two supported cases are loadable module parms and kernel
- *	command line support.
- *	
- *	The loadable module options are specified below in the
- *	MODULE_PARM macros and have associated descriptions.
- *	
- *	The kernel command line option is btetest=x[,y[,z]] etc.  The
- *	individual setting order is constant.  NOTE: The btetest flag
- *	is checked for in the bte_init_node function.
- *	
- **********************************************************************/
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Silicon Graphics, Inc.");
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Test the Block Transfer Engine(BTE) "
-		   "present on SGI machines.");
-MODULE_PARM(selected_tests, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(selected_tests, "Bitmask of tests to run.");
-MODULE_PARM(verbose, "1i");
-		 "How much information should be "
-		 "printed during the tests.");
-MODULE_PARM(hang_timeout, "1i");
-		 "Number of seconds to wait for the Bte "
-		 "Notification Failure.");
-MODULE_PARM(hang_usec, "1i");
-		 "Number of micro-seconds to wait for the 4-line Bte "
-		 "transfer to complete.");
-MODULE_PARM(tm_min_lines, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(tm_min_lines, "Minimum number of cache lines"
-		 " to time with.");
-MODULE_PARM(tm_max_lines, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(tm_max_lines, "Maximum number of cache lines"
-		 " to time with.");
-MODULE_PARM(tm_iterations, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(tm_iterations, "Rerun each timed transfer this "
-		 "many times.");
-MODULE_PARM(tm_alternate, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(tm_alternate, "Cycle across cpus between each "
-		 "iteration");
-MODULE_PARM(tm_memcpy, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(tm_memcpy, "Use memcpy as a comparison to BTE");
-MODULE_PARM(ix_iterations, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(ix_iterations, "Rerun each transfer from an "
-		 "invalid nasid this many times.");
-MODULE_PARM(ix_srcnasid, "1i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(ix_srcnasid, "Nasid to attempt xfer from.");
-#if !defined(MODULE)
-__setup("btetest=", brt_setup);
-#endif				/* !defined(MODULE) */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: