patch-2.4.22 linux-2.4.22/drivers/s390/net/iucv.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.21/drivers/s390/net/iucv.h linux-2.4.22/drivers/s390/net/iucv.h
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
 #define Priority_MessagePendingInterruptsFlag            0x40
 #define Nonpriority_MessageCompletionInterruptsFlag      0x20
 #define Priority_MessageCompletionInterruptsFlag         0x10
+#define IUCVControlInterruptsFlag                        0x08
+#define AllInterrupts					 0xf8
  * Mapping of external interrupt buffers should be used with the corresponding
  * interrupt types.                  
@@ -446,7 +449,7 @@
  *        buflen - Length of reply buffer.                              
  * Output: residual_buffer - Address of buffer updated by the number 
  *                    of bytes you have moved.              
- *         residual_length - Contains on the the following values
+ *         residual_length - Contains one of the following values:
  *		If the answer buffer is the same length as the reply, this field
  *		 contains zero.
  *		If the answer buffer is longer than the reply, this field contains
@@ -480,7 +483,7 @@
  *        buffer - Address of array of reply buffers.                     
  *        buflen - Total length of reply buffers.                         
  * Output: residual_buffer - Address of buffer which IUCV is currently working on.
- *         residual_length - Contains on the the following values
+ *         residual_length - Contains one of the following values:
  *              If the answer buffer is the same length as the reply, this field
  *               contains zero.
  *              If the answer buffer is longer than the reply, this field contains
@@ -735,6 +738,7 @@
  *           0x40 - Priority_MessagePendingInterruptsFlag            
  *           0x20 - Nonpriority_MessageCompletionInterruptsFlag      
  *           0x10 - Priority_MessageCompletionInterruptsFlag         
+ *           0x08 - IUCVControlInterruptsFlag         
  * Output: NA                                                        
  * Return: Return code from CP IUCV call.                         

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: