patch-2.4.4 linux/include/asm-ia64/io.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/include/asm-ia64/io.h linux/include/asm-ia64/io.h
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
  * over and over again with slight variations and possibly making a
  * mistake somewhere.
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Hewlett-Packard Co
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 David Mosberger-Tang <>
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Hewlett-Packard Co
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2001 David Mosberger-Tang <>
  * Copyright (C) 1999 Asit Mallick <>
  * Copyright (C) 1999 Don Dugger <>
@@ -82,21 +82,11 @@
- * For the in/out instructions, we need to do:
- *
- *	o "mf" _before_ doing the I/O access to ensure that all prior
- *	  accesses to memory occur before the I/O access
- *	o "mf.a" _after_ doing the I/O access to ensure that the access
- *	  has completed before we're doing any other I/O accesses
- *
- * The former is necessary because we might be doing normal (cached) memory
- * accesses, e.g., to set up a DMA descriptor table and then do an "outX()"
- * to tell the DMA controller to start the DMA operation.  The "mf" ahead
- * of the I/O operation ensures that the DMA table is correct when the I/O
- * access occurs.
- *
- * The mf.a is necessary to ensure that all I/O access occur in program
- * order. --davidm 99/12/07 
+ * For the in/out routines, we need to do "mf.a" _after_ doing the I/O access to ensure
+ * that the access has completed before executing other I/O accesses.  Since we're doing
+ * the accesses through an uncachable (UC) translation, the CPU will execute them in
+ * program order.  However, we still need to tell the compiler not to shuffle them around
+ * during optimization, which is why we use "volatile" pointers.
 static inline unsigned int
@@ -378,17 +368,16 @@
- * An "address" in IO memory space is not clearly either an integer
- * or a pointer. We will accept both, thus the casts.
+ * An "address" in IO memory space is not clearly either an integer or a pointer. We will
+ * accept both, thus the casts.
- * On ia-64, we access the physical I/O memory space through the
- * uncached kernel region.
+ * On ia-64, we access the physical I/O memory space through the uncached kernel region.
 static inline void *
 ioremap (unsigned long offset, unsigned long size)
 	return (void *) (__IA64_UNCACHED_OFFSET | (offset));
 static inline void
 iounmap (void *addr)
@@ -412,75 +401,6 @@
   __ia64_memcpy_toio((unsigned long)(to),(from),(len))
 #define memset_io(addr,c,len) \
   __ia64_memset_c_io((unsigned long)(addr),0x0101010101010101UL*(u8)(c),(len))
-#define memsetw_io(addr,c,len) \
-  _memset_c_io((unsigned long)(addr),0x0001000100010001UL*(u16)(c),(len))
- * XXX - We don't have csum_partial_copy_fromio() yet, so we cheat here and 
- * just copy it. The net code will then do the checksum later. Presently 
- * only used by some shared memory 8390 Ethernet cards anyway.
- */
-#define eth_io_copy_and_sum(skb,src,len,unused)		memcpy_fromio((skb)->data,(src),(len))
-#if 0
- * XXX this is the kind of legacy stuff we want to get rid of with IA-64... --davidm 99/12/02
- */
- * This is used for checking BIOS signatures.  It's not clear at all
- * why this is here.  This implementation seems to be the same on
- * all architectures.  Strange.
- */
-static inline int
-check_signature (unsigned long io_addr, const unsigned char *signature, int length)
-	int retval = 0;
-	do {
-		if (readb(io_addr) != *signature)
-			goto out;
-		io_addr++;
-		signature++;
-		length--;
-	} while (length);
-	retval = 1;
-	return retval;
-#define RTC_PORT(x)		(0x70 + (x))
-#define RTC_ALWAYS_BCD		0
- * The caches on some architectures aren't DMA-coherent and have need
- * to handle this in software.  There are two types of operations that
- * can be applied to dma buffers.
- *
- * - dma_cache_inv(start, size) invalidates the affected parts of the
- *   caches.  Dirty lines of the caches may be written back or simply
- *   be discarded.  This operation is necessary before dma operations
- *   to the memory.
- *
- * - dma_cache_wback(start, size) makes caches and memory coherent
- *   by writing the content of the caches back to memory, if necessary
- *   (cache flush).
- *
- * - dma_cache_wback_inv(start, size) Like dma_cache_wback() but the
- *   function also invalidates the affected part of the caches as
- *   necessary before DMA transfers from outside to memory.
- *
- * Fortunately, the IA-64 architecture mandates cache-coherent DMA, so
- * these functions can be implemented as no-ops.
- */
-#define dma_cache_inv(_start,_size)		do { } while (0)
-#define dma_cache_wback(_start,_size)		do { } while (0)
-#define dma_cache_wback_inv(_start,_size)	do { } while (0)
 # endif /* __KERNEL__ */
 #endif /* _ASM_IA64_IO_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: