patch-2.4.6 linux/drivers/acpi/common/cmdebug.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.5/linux/drivers/acpi/common/cmdebug.c linux/drivers/acpi/common/cmdebug.c
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Module Name: cmdebug - Debug print routines
- *              $Revision: 64 $
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- *  Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 R. Byron Moore
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
-#include "acpi.h"
-	 MODULE_NAME         ("cmdebug")
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Get/Set debug level
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Get or set value of the debug flag
- *
- *              These are used to allow user's to get/set the debug level
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-get_debug_level (void)
-	return (acpi_dbg_level);
-set_debug_level (
-	u32                     new_debug_level)
-	acpi_dbg_level = new_debug_level;
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_trace
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function entry trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_trace (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name)
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level++;
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id,
-			 " %2.2ld Entered Function: %s\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_trace_ptr
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *              Pointer             - Pointer to display
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function entry trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_trace_ptr (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name,
-	void                    *pointer)
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level++;
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id, TRACE_FUNCTIONS,
-			 " %2.2ld Entered Function: %s, %p\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name, pointer);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_trace_str
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *              String              - Additional string to display
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function entry trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_trace_str (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *string)
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level++;
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id, TRACE_FUNCTIONS,
-			 " %2.2ld Entered Function: %s, %s\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name, string);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_trace_u32
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *              Integer             - Integer to display
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function entry trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_trace_u32 (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name,
-	u32                     integer)
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level++;
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id, TRACE_FUNCTIONS,
-			 " %2.2ld Entered Function: %s, %lX\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name, integer);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_exit
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_exit (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name)
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id, TRACE_FUNCTIONS,
-			 " %2.2ld Exiting Function: %s\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name);
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_status_exit
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *              Status              - Exit status code
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level. Prints exit status also.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_status_exit (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name,
-	ACPI_STATUS             status)
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id,
-		" %2.2ld Exiting Function: %s, %s\n",
-		acpi_gbl_nesting_level,
-		function_name,
-		acpi_cm_format_exception (status));
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_value_exit
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *              Value               - Value to be printed with exit msg
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level. Prints exit value also.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_value_exit (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name,
-	ACPI_INTEGER            value)
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id, TRACE_FUNCTIONS,
-			 " %2.2ld Exiting Function: %s, %X\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name, value);
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Function_ptr_exit
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Function_name       - Name of Caller's function
- *              Value               - Value to be printed with exit msg
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace.  Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is
- *              set in Debug_level. Prints exit value also.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-function_ptr_exit (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *function_name,
-	u8                      *ptr)
-	debug_print (module_name, line_number, component_id, TRACE_FUNCTIONS,
-			 " %2.2ld Exiting Function: %s, %p\n",
-			 acpi_gbl_nesting_level, function_name, ptr);
-	acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Debug_print
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *              Print_level         - Requested debug print level
- *              Format              - Printf format field
- *              ...                 - Optional printf arguments
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Print error message with prefix consisting of the module name,
- *              line number, and component ID.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-debug_print (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number,
-	u32                     component_id,
-	u32                     print_level,
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *format,
-	...)
-	va_list                 args;
-	/* Both the level and the component must be enabled */
-	if ((print_level & acpi_dbg_level) &&
-		(component_id & acpi_dbg_layer))
-	{
-		va_start (args, format);
-		acpi_os_printf ("%8s-%04d: ", module_name, line_number);
-		acpi_os_vprintf (format, args);
-	}
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Debug_print_prefix
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Module_name         - Caller's module name (for error output)
- *              Line_number         - Caller's line number (for error output)
- *              Component_id        - Caller's component ID (for error output)
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Print the prefix part of an error message, consisting of the
- *              module name, and line number
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-debug_print_prefix (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *module_name,
-	u32                     line_number)
-	acpi_os_printf ("%8s-%04d: ", module_name, line_number);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Debug_print_raw
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Format              - Printf format field
- *              ...                 - Optional printf arguments
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Print error message -- without module/line indentifiers
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-debug_print_raw (
-	NATIVE_CHAR             *format,
-	...)
-	va_list                 args;
-	va_start (args, format);
-	acpi_os_vprintf (format, args);
-	va_end (args);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    Acpi_cm_dump_buffer
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Buffer              - Buffer to dump
- *              Count               - Amount to dump, in bytes
- *              Component_iD        - Caller's component ID
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Generic dump buffer in both hex and ascii.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-acpi_cm_dump_buffer (
-	u8                      *buffer,
-	u32                     count,
-	u32                     display,
-	u32                     component_id)
-	u32                     i = 0;
-	u32                     j;
-	u32                     temp32;
-	u8                      buf_char;
-	/* Only dump the buffer if tracing is enabled */
-	if (!((TRACE_TABLES & acpi_dbg_level) &&
-		(component_id & acpi_dbg_layer)))
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Nasty little dump buffer routine!
-	 */
-	while (i < count) {
-		/* Print current offset */
-		acpi_os_printf ("%05X  ", i);
-		/* Print 16 hex chars */
-		for (j = 0; j < 16;) {
-			if (i + j >= count) {
-				acpi_os_printf ("\n");
-				return;
-			}
-			/* Make sure that the s8 doesn't get sign-extended! */
-			switch (display)
-			{
-			/* Default is BYTE display */
-			default:
-				acpi_os_printf ("%02X ",
-						*((u8 *) &buffer[i + j]));
-				j += 1;
-				break;
-				MOVE_UNALIGNED16_TO_32 (&temp32,
-						 &buffer[i + j]);
-				acpi_os_printf ("%04X ", temp32);
-				j += 2;
-				break;
-				MOVE_UNALIGNED32_TO_32 (&temp32,
-						 &buffer[i + j]);
-				acpi_os_printf ("%08X ", temp32);
-				j += 4;
-				break;
-				MOVE_UNALIGNED32_TO_32 (&temp32,
-						 &buffer[i + j]);
-				acpi_os_printf ("%08X", temp32);
-				MOVE_UNALIGNED32_TO_32 (&temp32,
-						 &buffer[i + j + 4]);
-				acpi_os_printf ("%08X ", temp32);
-				j += 8;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Print the ASCII equivalent characters
-		 * But watch out for the bad unprintable ones...
-		 */
-		for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
-			if (i + j >= count) {
-				acpi_os_printf ("\n");
-				return;
-			}
-			buf_char = buffer[i + j];
-			if ((buf_char > 0x1F && buf_char < 0x2E) ||
-				(buf_char > 0x2F && buf_char < 0x61) ||
-				(buf_char > 0x60 && buf_char < 0x7F))
-			{
-				acpi_os_printf ("%c", buf_char);
-			}
-			else {
-				acpi_os_printf (".");
-			}
-		}
-		/* Done with that line. */
-		acpi_os_printf ("\n");
-		i += 16;
-	}
-	return;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: